Hey Path,
I'm no "mommas boy" either. I haven't been at home for a long time and I can take care of myself. I used to change my youngest brothers diapers (the crappy cloth kind with the pins), do laundry, do dishes, the whole 9 yards basically. (a mans work is never done lol) Most of my friends my age are still at home getting breast-fed still.
There are adults, men and women, who never do these types of things - like living their own life. Congratulations to you. Diapers (either type) are a reality if a person is ever going to have kids. All my children had cloth diapers, btw. So much more kinder to the enviroment, etc. (they weren't even invented for my first!) At least you know what you're in for.
If only they captured the hearts of the women in it, they could do whatever they wanted as far as teachings go. Piss them off and treat them badly, they will rip you to shreds.
If only we were that capable. Some are, most just want what every person wants - which is a lot. The Society did capture our hearts, the dream is strong, hard to be disillusioned. That's one reason so many pioneers are women - they have faith.
H2o is quite the man's place. From what I ascertain, really has made strides to allow for women - well, women have bullied their way in and made the men be polite is what I've gathered.
You're talking about a completely different song. I would never post such trash.
I kinda like the catchy tune. Do you realize that the songs that most people remember are catchy tunes? No deep thought involved? Perhaps people prefer non-deepness, so much easier on the brain.
Wasn't it Mozart that died young and broke - but the common people of his time remember his tunes. Have, for over a century now. His music obviously goes beyond "catchy" but the common people of his time are probably about as common as they are now, don't you think?
I guess they feel sorry for single guys or whatever, so they make you something to eat, and you just shut up and let them talk about whatever. (Fair trade?)
I've had many teens & young adults in my life due to 3 kids - I don't talk to them unless I like them. Has very little to do with feeling sorry for single guys. Perhaps you're just damned to be a nice guy?