The people in this story sure sound like JW's, especially the part about birthdays and christmas... it doesn't say in the article though. I think the Judge's comment is quite interesting.
Story from Abbotsford
by the_classicist 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
This sickens me. The parents should be given the same punishment as was dealt to the kids but double or triple the amount just for starters. Then jail time should be given........then some more flogging the day of their release. Then instead of putting alchol on the about rubbing salt into them.
Yes.........I could do this to people who hurt children.
I suspect these were not JWs. The floor length skirt and the Saturday confessions sound like some other kooky brand of fundamentalism. But, it's not far off.
Country Girl
Sounds like part of that nutjob cult which was broken up over near Montreal that had that Manson-like man having so many wives, two husbands, and bunches of kids. The kids would watch the adults have sex with one another, and the kids, except for his very own, were seriously abused. There was a book and a movie made about him. It was called Savage Messiah, although for the life of me I can't remember his name. It was French, though.
Sounds like part of that nutjob cult which was broken up over near Montreal that had that Manson-like man having so many wives, two husbands, and bunches of kids. The kids would watch the adults have sex with one another, and the kids, except for his very own, were seriously abused. There was a book and a movie made about him. It was called Savage Messiah, although for the life of me I can't remember his name. It was French, though.
His name was Rock Therault.
Aaaaak. The two youngest were returned....
Could be dukhabors. There are a few nests of those in bc.
After the children were taken into protective custody, the stepfather pleaded guilty ... and was sentenced to three months in jail. He is now living with the family again.
Sheesh! What kind of sick justice is this? The kids will be damaged for life .. and pops gets 3 months in jail???
What other cults ban the celebration of Christmas and birthdays, by the way? They sound like dubs to me.
In Nevada there was a JW family like this. The kids dressed like they were Amish. The older girl always wore floor length dresses. They had to wear dress closthes to school. My son was 1 1/2 at the time and their dad was an elder. I always had to get up with my son during meetings to take him out and the dad would shoot me glaring looks as their 2 year old sat perfectly still. One day the wife comes to my house unannounced and asks if I would please go to the hall with her as she was taking her daughter to read bible stories. I went and it was like a "practice" session. The whole purpose was to make the kid sit still during 2 hours of bible stories. I was totally freaked out. At the time I was not a strong person and did not say anything, but I never went with her again! I look back and just know these kids were abused. They have since moved though and the older 2 would be adults by now. I hope they didn't have any more kids. I feel sorry for the youngest. She would be about 16 now......