tug of war ensuing

by And1 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • And1

    thanks everyone!!!! The links are great! Out of all the quotes I read from Watchtower publications/Awake I was most DISTURBED by this

    *** Awake! 1951 May 8 ***

    who is preaching the teaching of Pastor Russell? Certainly not Jehovah's Witnesses! They can not be accused of following him, for they neither quote him as an authority nor publish or distribute his writing.

    I cant believe...

  • Brummie
    I cant believe...

    I know, me neither...


  • kls

    I cant believe.. Sheesh you heard nothing yet . This is only the tip of the iceberg.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I woke up

    I came to realize that "THE TRUTH" is just another of many lies which humans have dreamed up over time... I came to see that I have no means of testing anything to be THE TRUTH. The best I seem able to until I disover otherwise, is to determine what APPEARS work for now and which experiences seem to match or not match my beliefs.

    Many if not all religions I am aware of say that FAITH is critical.... it seems to me the reason why is because they are presenting a lie which cannot be verified in any way shape nor form... and like any other con artist, faith is required by the mark to accept the lies which the con artists tell... and like many con artists, religions used threats and irrational fears they also dreamed up to make people worried about not taking their long shot gamble over what seems to be reality.... the old story called the Emporer's new clothes seem to apply but few seem to realize it.

    also I discovered by studying psychology, how hypnosis works and how the mind can be manipulated and saw this at work in all the religions I know about.... especially JWs.

    most of all, I realized that the concept of a creator god is totally irrational and unnecessary for anything I have ever experienced and will likely experience and so until someone can show me otherwise, I will not gamble on human myths, fantasies or cures to irrational fears.

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