tata-------AND he's marriage material.
Finish This Sentence....You Know you're a JW teenager If....
by doodle-v 149 Replies latest jw friends
....You've been told to quit high school and get a part time janitorial job so you can pioneer. and you were told this by 3 janitors over the age of 50.
You know you're a JW teenager if, (the year is 1970) you want to be a journalist (or some other tertiary level position), but your JW family tell you that you cannot do that because the new system will be here real soon.
(referrring to prestons post on the previous page)
Preston that was it exactly.. are you my brother? lmao
You're summer vacation consists of auxilary pioneering and sitting in a stuffy auditorium for four days. woo hoo!
And add: If you've been to the race track every summer for 20 years straight and never seen the horses race!
Counted ducks in Cicero Class
Wait, there's more!
[X] You've had to spend time in the school library during holiday and birthday parties
[X] You never knew what was on TV on Tuesday or Thursday nights
[X] You had an adrenaline rush during the Q & A of the Watchtower "Things Learned" box trying to get in an answer because you didn't raise your hand for the previous 21 paragraphs
[X] The New Blue Youth book was your reference guide to life ? and you felt special when you got to sit in the special "youth section" at the convention they released it at
[X] You aspired to pioneer after high school, believing the end was so close that education and earning a living in this system wasn't important at all
[X] You married within two or three years after high school because marriage was the biggest thing a teenager had to look forward to
You know if the most promising career opportunity is operating the Kingdom Hall Audio!
I knew a lot of JW teenagers who were "bad" in school...
So, maybe this should read,
If you were a "good" JW teenager
But my answer would be:
I always knew the answers to every student and teachers Bible questions.
I was the only student allowed to miss pep rallies and school assemblies...my non-JW friends were jealous.
you cringed at the thought of going back to school after Christmas break while everyone is discussing what they got for Christmas. You just knew you would be asked and would have to explain everything or make something up.
you made friends with the kids of Elders and Servants because you knew their immunity would extend to you if you got caught together drinking or such.
Kansas District Overbeer -
if your room has been thoroughly gone through on a regular basis, looking for...?
if it takes you 5 min more coming home from school and you are interrogated for having extra curricular activities.
if your "jw friends" report everything you do to the elders.
if you are brought before "the committee" for looking left instead of right.
if you have to answer to the most high Mr Jaracz for telling a jw "friend" just maybe marijuana isn't all that bad and being verbally abused by the triune until you give in and say, " oh yes, marijuana is of satan's design" !!!
oh please!!! it was HELL being a jw po's child