Greetings min, May you have peace. I understand that you desire to leave the jw organizaton. If I may ask, why is it that "you" desire to leave? What is your intent that has motivated you to leave? One's intentions in a matter does determine what they will do in the future. If it is your desire to 'find something else' it is important that you are at least willing to admit it to yourself. What is it that you are truly seeking. You can leave the organization of Jehovah's witnesses.. for if your fear is that you may be displeasing God... know that you do not need any organization to serve God. May you have the greatest of peace my friend.
wanting to leave jw org
by min79 25 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome. WinstonSmith and Seattleniceguy wrote letters that stuck in my mind. Whatever you do, take it slow. I myself have done the fade, and for the time being am under any radar. Take it slow, like a chess game, once you commit, you are pretty much stuck with what you choose.
What you eventually decide, depends alot on your personal constitution and other variables such as family and friends. Perhaps the better course of action on your part might be a commitment to "no-action" or no set path; and then read and reasearch either in this forums' archived discusions or elsewhere. Good Luck.
Im all for DA'ing personally. It does depend on your circumstances, I agree. But drifting was not even an option for me personally. I didn't care that my family and friends would accept me, if not, SCREW them. You end up a slave to your family and that religion if you don't take a stand for yourself and stand up for something at least once in your life. Those assholes will always have you on their list, you will always be considered 'weak'; just a sad soul needing 'encouragement'. Is that what you want? Just do what you think is best.
I posted my d/a letter last week, just stating that i officially didnt want to be know as a witness and then stated why. With the shuning bit I know exactly how you feel. I have a 3 year old son, and both my parents are in the truth and it kills that they can turn there back on us.
Hope it all goes well
(Just to say) Welcome !!!
I'll add my two cents here, as a former longtime elder who was a real student of the WTS' rules of order: Don't DA yourself and don't write any letters to them, ever.
Instead, start missing meetings and FS and find some "cover" for your frequent absences. Some sort of poor health works, but "depression" is even better (be sure to say you're being treated by a doctor and also add that you prefer not to talk about it in any detail).
Depression scares the hell out of most elders, because they have absolutely no idea what to do about it. Oh, sure, the WTS has printed lots of articles, but when you read them it's clearly going to be a lot of work to babysit, oops, I mean "console" a depressed soul. And this kind of social work is something the vast majority of elders work hard to avoid. The rank and file will keep their distance, too.
The most important advice to faders would be to remember that the REASON for fading is to buy yourself time to develop a new circle of friends and other interests or hobbies so that when you are no longer part of the JW congregation, you have something to do with your time... and someone to do it with. This is critical. Because you can never count on a long-term fade working the way you plan. Some on this forum have faded and not been bothered by any elders for many years, but they are still looking over their shoulder. It's best to assume you will one day be hunted down and DF'd because you spoke out to someone who is still a JW or they saw your Christmas tree through the window, or something. Your goal in fading is to get to the point where you just don't care what they do, and that will come in time. By then it won't matter.
Many of the posts I read here are from people who feel they want to "get even" with the WTS and that they can do that by firing off an F You letter that will really nail them and their screwy doctrines to the wall. No chance. They read the first few lines to establish where your head's at, then they scan the rest of the letter until they get to the part that says "take my name off the list" or some other indication that you have DA'd yourself, and then they read the announcement to the congo. The letter gets locked in a file drawer, inside a sealed envelope, where it is never seen again. No one will ever read it.
Having said that, and not wanting to be dogmatic, there are some cases where a DA letter is the best way to get the elders off your back. In some cases, it's too late to fade and you're being hounded by the elders who "just want to come and visit and offer some encouragement" when you know very well they are aware you have a boy/girl friend or are attending the church down the street.