So we have our Circuit Overseer this week. We're getting the crap kicked out of us (figuratively) for our meeting attendance. We have attendance in the 70% range for some of our meetings. We're being told to get it up to 100%. But, 100% still isn't good enough because that is 100% of publishers and that doesn't count kids and visitors. Realistically for an organization that is supposedly growing like wildfire the attendance should always be above 100%. Oh well, no logic in dubdom.
We've decided that next month we'll devote our local needs talk to meeting attendance. We'll see a spike in attendance from the CO visit and the local needs talk and then return to the usual low numbers.
About 10 years ago the circuit overseers were telling the bodies of elders and servants that attendance was a real problem across the board in the U.S. and other developed countries. Anyone else remember that? That was reiterated on this visit as well. If that is the case perhaps attendance itself will cause the society to restructure the meetings in a real way. They may somehow roll the bookstudy groups into the theocratic ministry school as a 10 minute part with or without questions or something and get rid of either the sisters talks or the speech point and instruction talk. Who knows. - just thinking.