Does anynoe here remember the 4 day - 12 hour assemblies.
And kids today think they've got it tough!
by TheListener 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does anynoe here remember the 4 day - 12 hour assemblies.
And kids today think they've got it tough!
Does anynoe here remember the 4 day - 12 hour assemblies.
My mom told me about them! I'm glad I did not have to go to any!
Yes I have heard of Western Hemisphere disease also =CO and DO says declining meeting attendance is systemic in the western world
4 days, are you kidding?
Look what I had to live through. Take a look at this site:
Look at the 1969 international assembly program, and look at the starting and ending times for all 8 freekin' days.
starting over, I went on that site
... and all I can say is.... HOLY F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Preston
I remember 4 day conventions - but not 12 hour ones
As to shortening the meetings and assemblies they do it every few years assemblies get shorter now they have one day special assemblies and three day assemblies... meetings get shorter... maybe one day they will just have one 30 min meeting a month!
Look at the 1969 international assembly program, and look at the starting and ending times for all 8 freekin' days.
OMG - I attended every one of those assemblies except for the last one in 2001 (my first year of freedom). Granted, I was a baby at the first one, but still!
- CF
I remember the four-day ones, and the 12-hr ones too. We'd get out about 9 PM as I recall, and fight through all the traffic and it was really late by the time you and the kiddies (in my case) would all be fed and have showers. It was exhausting, and the kids were miserable having to sit through those loooong hours.
It wasn't my happiest event going down memory lane!
Yeah I remember in the seventies we had 5 or 6 days from 9am to 8 or 9 pm i forget exactly. It would be hot in the sun and you couldn't even understand what the speakers were saying because of reverberation of the sound.
What a F*CKING waste of time!!!