Hey getbusy how do you really feel?
KM in 1974 praising people for selling all their stuff and pioneering?
by ithinkisee 58 Replies latest watchtower bible
** This is so obviously God's organization, hey? I wonder if those poor old folks got reimbursed from the society when that prophecy turned into bullshit.
Nope! They had to deal with the bullsh!t.
Now, thirty years hence, the JWs AND the Watchtower both say that "Nobody forced them to sell their homes, it was their own decision."
Well, you don't expect THEM to take the blame, do you? It's much more admirable to blame the VICTIMS, which is a WTS trait.
**This anticipation at that time is now downplayed or outrightly denied by current JWs.
But it cannot be denied by those who saw it and axperienced it during the 60s and 70s.
Time has a way of softening some facts, and the WTS depends on it. How else could they hold up their heads and be so arrogant---and still lie the way they do! But there ARE those of us who were there, knew folks that sacrificed their homes and livelihoods to live under the (gag) suggestions and praise from the WTS, and saw it all fade into the sunset.
I hope those of you who have lived through that 1975 stuff never stop posting and letting the truth be known. You guys are the best.
It gets very frustrating when you tell newer Dubs about this "non-event", and then tell you that you're a liar. They are fed so much crapola by the WTS and have an answer for everything. The WTS teaches them well, unfortunately.
What stands above all else is how absolutely convinced we were that THIS WAS IT - THE END WAS COMING - IT FELT SO CLOSE YOU COULD FEEL IT - THE MEETINGS WERE ELECTRIC.
Absolutely right! The "urgent message" had never BEEN as urgent as it was back then!
I tell you, reading this shit really pisses me off. Some assholes put themselves on a soap box puking up dates for God to save us, taking advantage of the emotions and spirtuality of nice people, coercing people to sacrifice their retirements. Its a form of fucking rape.
I've often felt this way. And to think----the WTS told them they were "pleasing GOD" in doing this.
I was 6 when all this happened and my folks were sure I wouldn't go to primary school. Then I wouldn't go to secondary school. Then I wouldn't need a job as the new order would be here.
My youngest daughter was born in '69, and we thought the same thing! Now she's grown and had three kids. And we're STILL waiting, LOL!
Why do they always phrase things like Jeannie on "I Dream of Jeannie", i.e., "Does that not warm your heart, Master?"
LOL!!! I've always thought that the awkward language in the litter-ature was strange. I was never able to explain exactly what it was, or reminded me of. NOW I know!!! You are so right! (Who TALKS this way?)
Great comments on this thread!
William Penwell
I was one that lived through the 1975 hype and no matter what any dub tells you to the contrary, it is true. I recall studying with some good dubs in the late 60's early 70's and the push was definitely on to do more in the troof as the end of the system was only a matter of months or weeks away. Most of those good dubs now are either dead or no longer practicing dubs. It is sad to see these zealous faithful people get sucked into the BS. I have kept the proof. I have most of the KM from the late 60's and early 70's. If anyone ever wants a certain article scanned I would be happy to do it.
Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world?s end.
Of course, we know that the tactic here is to not overtly state exactly what good witnesses should do, but instead cite examples of specific, desired behaviour and say that this is a "fine" example. Then, years later, the Watchtower can literally be telling the truth when it tries to explain away its pivotal role in the 1975 fiasco: Yep, it did not exactly say the system was ending in 1975, nor did it tell JWs to sell their possessions. A very clevel tactic.
This re-writing of events is unfortunately part of what happens in many settings in the world, governmental and religious. A monolithic organization with considerable influence over others can tell the story the way it wants to tell it. And the people, far too caught up in their need to believe are also swept along. God, as far as I know, my friends who sold their house in 1973 and began to rent still believe all of this is the "truth". Yet, bacing up to the futility of it all would probably just be too much for them.
Yeah I was there in the 1970's.
One thing I didn't see mentioned here is the several tape records of speeches made at various conventions, usually brought to us by the co's. and others, elders etc.
These were very clearly predicting 1975 as the end of this world and the beginning of the "new world".
They in my opinion were not directly from the wbts but were the opinions of co's and possibly of do's.
But they were not discouraged or stopped by the wbts during the 73/74 years .
If we read the publications and listened to the talks at the assemblies, there was no doubt that the wbts was predicting the end of times as 1975, albiet in a some what subtle manner.
I know several families that moved from large cities to more remote areas, because they feared what might take place in large cities when armageddon came and they felt safer in smaller towns.
What amazes me most, is that they are still there, predicting armageddon some time, unhappy and confused, older, with children who left the troof, and treating me like I am a poisonous snake.
While I go about my business, enjoying life, and grinning at them.
Some things are so strange and impossible to understand ie, the j dubs.
Something else happened because of this false prophecy. I knew families who went out in 1975 and charged their credit limits to the maximum because they thought they'd never have to pay it off. Never saw so many sports cars, expensive jewelry, and dinners out in my life.
Sure enough, by 1977 many of these families were facing bankruptcy.
:Hey getbusy how do you really feel? LOL. I just realized how pissy I sound in few of my recent posts. Sorry if I've been sounding like a dick.. I think I'm probably still kinda bitter about those guys.
A Paduan
I just realized how pissy I sound in few of my recent posts. Sorry if I've been sounding like a dick.. I think I'm probably still kinda bitter about those guys.
the world doesn't contain enough bitterness to process "those guys" - the earth does though.
I was one that lived through the 1975 hype and no matter what any dub tells you to the contrary, it is true.
Here are a couple more specific examples:
1. Two high school girls quit in the 11th grade to pioneer in 1973 because "the system was about to end." Each was the daughter of an elder in the congo; thus, offspring of two of just five elders in this congo were so convinced the end was coming in '75, they forfeited their futures in this old system of things. Two years later, when nothing happened, both families came apart. In one family, father and mother left the truth and divorced. In the other, the parents stayed together, but in both cases the daughters went off the deep end behavorially and started kicking up their heels. Soon they were living with boyfriends and DF'd from the congo.
2. In the same congo, a ministerial servant and his pioneer wife were openly critical of "friends" who bought homes in the early '70s. They viewed purchasing a house as a clear demonstration of lack of faith that the end was coming in '75, which in their minds was tantamount to disloyalty. They were quite vocal about it. In the mid-70's, at least where we lived, real estate went through this amazing boom so that houses that were selling for $20,000 in 1969 were going for $60,000 by 1977. When the '75 "end" failed to materialize, this couple, like many other dubs, went into complete shock. By the time they emerged from their coma, they couldn't even think about buying a house and were extremely bitter that they had "missed the boat" while other dubs were refinancing and buying cars and toys with the money they'd made due to their wise investments. Before long, both were "gone" from the "truth." They subsequently divorced.
I could go on and on, and so could all of you.