A Divided Household

by HadEnuf 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    HappyDad...I am happy for you that you were able to get some quality time with your father. We don't realize what we sacrifice for the Watchtower "gods" when we are being blinded by their cult teachings. I keep my dad close in my heart every day and just have to hope that we will meet again somewhere and I can tell him the things I never did while I had a chance. Cathy L.

    P.S. Sorry I choked you up so early in the morning. Not good.

  • brutusmaximus


    A touching account of how this cult can effect us. I am sure your Dad will live on so long as you don't forgot how great a Dad he was.

    Take care and don't get back in that shower to soon.



  • HadEnuf

    Dear Brutusmaximus: You can bet your whatever you want that I will never, as long as I'm on this earth and my brain is still functioning to some degree (which is somewhat of an iffy thing in my household), I won't ever, EVER forget my dad. He sits right there in my heart every minute of every day.

    (But I still will take my daily showers as not to offend those who are my close acquaintances and loved ones).

    Cathy L.

  • prophecor

    Had Enuff, that was truly touching, liked to dropped a tear or two of my own just now. I wish you closure on this delicate part of your history. My2U

  • HadEnuf

    Thanks prophecor. I think closure will come with time. It takes a lot to heal such deep wounds. But we can just "get on with it" the best we can. Thanks for the !

    Cathy L.

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