As JWs we heard this over and over again. We still see this phrase used time and time again on this board.
What, exactly does this mean to you and how do you think it IS applied or should be applied?
by Sunspot 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
1. Wife being beaten for 15 years begging elders for help and being ignored=no reproach on Jehovah.
2. Wife deciding the hell with this and reporting his sorry ass to the cops = she has brought reproach on Jehovah.
(sorry elsewhere, i stole your format. forgive me?)
As far as I'm concerned the only people who bring "reproach" on J ar J's Witnesses!
It is the same as being PC or the more accurate TC (theocratically correct), in Dub-land.
If "God" would just wipe out his "apostate" bOrg He'd end the "reproach". What a F'n joke!
IPSecs Watchtower
Genesis 4:26 At that time a start was made of calling on the name of Jehovah. Referring to this verse according WT some Hebrew scholars claim this should read a 'profaning' rather than 'calling'. Could a similar profaning be occurring in our day? Notice these real life experiences..
1. Wife being beaten for 15 years begging elders for help and being ignored=no reproach on Jehovah.2. Wife deciding the hell with this and reporting his sorry ass to the cops = she has brought reproach on Jehovah.
- An elder who molests a child and the elder body which helps coverup the molestation do not bring reproach upon Jehover.
- Someone who reports the elder who molests a child to the authorities does bring reproach upon Jehover.
Question for paragraph 1. Who today are profaning God's name as in the days of Enosh
** I think Jehovah can take care of herself/himself/themself, just like Santa Claus, the Ester bunny, etc. etc etc
I've thought that for years---that an almighty God wouldn't need lowly humans to protect his name!
**If they wouldn't use his name then there wouldn't be any reproach when they REALLY SCREW UP!
LOL! I think you're on to something there!
**1. An elder who molests a child and the elder body which helps coverup the molestation do not bring reproach upon Jehover.
2. Someone who reports the elder who molests a child to the authorities does bring reproach upon Jehover.
Yeah, what's wrong with this picture?
**1. Wife being beaten for 15 years begging elders for help and being ignored=no reproach on Jehovah.
2. Wife deciding the hell with this and reporting his sorry ass to the cops = she has brought reproach on Jehovah.
Wow......another "what's wrong with this picture" experience. (((Jean)))
**I've thought for a long time that JWs don't actually believe in God, just in publicity, good or bad and peoples opinion of them!
Well....I think they believe in the concept of a God, but through the teachings of lunatics who claim they speak for him. As far as the appearances aspect, on some issues they stand out (purposely) like skunks on a crowded bus...but on issues such as lawsuits etc, they like to think they're above the law and that their behavior is exemplary.
Thanks for your comments!