Has anyone ever ate the emblems feeling its ok

by PinTail 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • PinTail

    I did I felt that I should, and I wanted to. Now I belong to the Bible Students, who won't kick your spiritual hiney for doing so, or shun you for dibbing and dabbing that stuff out of weekness.



  • Elsewhere

    Gotta love ritualized symbolic cannibalism!

  • 95stormfront

    Well...ole JC himself did command that you "keep doing this in remembrance of me"....

  • TheEdge
    ole JC himself did command that you "keep doing this in remembrance of me"....

    and I do - most nights - how good am I?

  • TheEdge

    At every Memorial that I'VE attended, I have never seen anyone partake -

    Does anyone, on here, intend to next month? legitimately or otherwise?

  • MerryMagdalene

    I never actually partook during the passing over around of the emblems but I did get to have the leftovers. Seriously! My uncle was the elder who provided the bloodwine (homemade!) and my aunt baked the unleavened fleshbread for the ritual. I don't know, maybe they thought it would be disrespectful to throw it away.


  • under74

    My brother partook when he was little...he feels fine. He isn't a believer but constantly says anyway that he's going to rule with Jesus one day.

  • clementine
    but I did get have the leftovers

    Tht's funny! ever wonder if they waste it or not....

    Personnaly, I've never seen anyone eat the emblems...

  • Narkissos

    I did. A few weeks later I was df'd.

  • AshtonCA
    did I felt that I should, and I wanted to. Now I belong to the Bible Students, who won't kick your spiritual hiney for doing so, or shun you for dibbing and dabbing that stuff out of weekness.

    Good, that means that you were being led to believe that you should be doing it. Every christian should be celebrating this, it isn't for just a set group. To be like Christ, you do like Christ, and that includes Passover/emblems or communion, or whatever you want to call it.

    With passover/memorial coming soon, I can't stress the importance of Matthew 28 enough, do as Jesus commanded his apostles, among other things, break the bread and drink the wine.


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