Are you still "hurt" from your JW experience?

by JH 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I was just wondering if you still feel hurt or some kind of interior pain from your JW days or is it all passed and you have no more feelings towards this Organization...

    I still feel "hurt" and let down...

    Afterall, they were friends, and now they just don't care anymore.

  • JH

    I was just looking at a picture of my book study group, and it brings back nice souvenirs.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Ahhh. Thats sad. I know I'm obviously hurt and frustrated with all my old dub friends. But it IS their lives and we just have to move on. I just try to make new friends. It takes time.

  • Sunspot

    I'm pretty well over the "lost friends" feelings. They are just as duped as I was when I was a JW, and they're just towing the mark that they feel is "pleasing God".

    MY pain is still alive in the fact that I wasted all those years following the WTS, depriving my kids of all the special days and moments that can never be brought back, and all the sacrifices I made (and money I spent) that meant nothing in the long run.

    Even now when I see a commercial for a little kid's birthday party, or a girl going to a prom, or Hallmark ads about an old grandmother's birthday surprise, etc.....anything like that--- no Brownies or Cubscouts....I feel such a twinge of guilt.



  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    they're still doing it everyday - it will be difficult to stop them - they are determined to continue their evil and it will probably require a court case

  • gumby

    When you still have close family inside the borg, the pain will be there. If your shunned, the pain is there.

    As for how we all would be were we not raised in this group.......who knows?


  • OldSoul
    JH: Afterall, they were friends, and now they just don't care anymore.

    I empathize completely. After I faded the first time (15 years ago) I found out what "friend" means. It hurts badly. Becoming bitter would have been an easy reaction for me, especially given the awful slanderous things most of my old "friends" had to say about me. I decided to learn from it instead. It was really a conscious decision to approach it that way. I learned what a friend is not and now I know what loyalty means.

    It takes time. I still hurt from some things that have been done. I wish I were a bigger man, but I'm not. I've felt like certain people were going out of their way to piss on who and what I am. My instinct is to react like that is what they have done. Maybe in your case, it is just a lot of deluded very well-meaning people. That can be tougher in some ways. In time you will feel the pain less, especially if you can fill the void with good friends, friends who know how to be true friends.



  • steve2

    I was really touched by your comments. I've been out over 20 years and have largely resolved the pain and the hurt. I've also grown a lot and don't regret anything. All I can say is, the pain and hurt do ease if you acknowledge them and learn to express your emotions in helpful ways.

  • Flash
    I still feel "hurt" and let down...

    Afterall, they were friends, and now they just don't care anymore.

    Ditto, add to that, all the manipulation and yes, I'm scarred (and angry) for life.

  • the_classicist

    I suppose. Being a JW made me into a total social retard (really, I cannot make small talk nor do I have any sort of social knowledge that comes from being able to fully interact with other kids, otherwise known as "unwholesome influences.")

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