Witness World forum

by under74 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    I found out that admins can tell where posters have been last, so don't switch back and forth from JWD to Witnessworld.

    Technically this only happens if you were to click a link to WitnessWorld FROM this site. Web browsers only report the "referrer" (the previous site) when there is a direct link. If you open your web browser and type in a new address or open a bookmark, no "referrer" information is sent.

    BTW, I got caught and deleted from WitnessWorld (along with one other poster here) quite a while ago. We thought they found us because of the "referrer" thing, but I found out later that they merely "guessed" it was me because I was copying and pasting messages from there site over here on JWD. So don't do that. :)

  • under74

    Sorry simon. Wasn't my intention.

  • Poztate

    Gee....I hate to pick on their welcome page and I could be wrong.....BUT

    Welcome to Witness World, the best Jehovah's Witnesses Forum. The sole purpose of Witness World is to create a place where true (1) Jehovahs Witnesses can draw close to(2) jehovah and share stimulating, positive thoughts, ideas and opinions. This Forum is for(3) Jehovah witness, and our beliefs. We hope you feel that good old warm feeling like you do when you visit a kingdom hall of(4) jehovah's witnesses. Jehovah God thinks you matter and we do too, so please feel free to join and take part in our quality(5) jehovah's witnesses discussion board. This is chat board forum a place for(6) Jehovahs witnesses that are in current good standing only. We at this Witness World forum want you to know that this site does not focus on(7) Jehovah witness dating or Jehovah's Witnesses Singles. So sit down and get ready to make lots of new high quality witness friends. Come in and chat with Jehovah's Witnesses now! Everyone matters here.

    Please note that for the safety of our members and you. Please fill out * ALL areas of the profile information. Our members are are hand approved, so your patience in awaiting approval is greatly appreciated.

    We hope you enjoy your time at our little amusement park chat forum!

    1. No apostophe

    2. No capital letter

    3. Its Jehovah's Witnesses...now (used to be small w)

    4. No capitals at all (make up your mind)

    5. Remembered the apostrophe at least

    6.Damm...forgot that apostrophe AGAIN (did use capital letter)

    7.Screwed it up to start with...got it right in the end

    I would ask that any JW lurkers that belong to this site please get the admin to make SOME corrections.

    By the way this does not qualify as "persecution"

  • Country_Woman

    Poztate, they surely made an effort in their intro....

  • 95stormfront

    Just took a look over there. That place only containes the old tired dribble that you'd hear at any KH or JW gathering.

    I did see a "thought provoking" question though.

  • IP_SEC

    Hmm, maybe the witnessworld.com admin isnt as lame @ss as I thought. Maybe he's a 'postate trying to make jehovahs Witnesses look bad?

    IP "conspiracies abound" Sec

  • AlmostAtheist

    There are plenty of other typos on the site, so it may just be shoddy workmanship, but there is another theory. That whole opening paragraph on WitnessWorld.com looks like search engine bait. Every sentence has a form of "Jehovah's Witnesses" in it. Sometimes with apostrophe, sometimes not plural. Maybe he's trying to make his site visible to searchers, no matter how badly they mangle the name?


  • Poztate
    Poztate, they surely made an effort in their intro....

    C-W I never tried to get in but if that's the best they can do........

    Maybe he's a 'postate trying to make jehovahs Witnesses look bad?

    Ok ...Fess up.Which one of you fellow POZTATES started this site.

    Maybe he's trying to make his site visible to searchers, no matter how badly they mangle the name?

    They would have to be really hard up for new members to do that....SAY...

  • dh

    What's it like?, The preaching work in your area Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topic

    twylite alt Posted: Jan 4 2005, 06:57 AM Quote Post
    Hello, my dear brothers and sisters! :D

    I am really curious about how the preaching work is accepted in your area. Where are you from and what is it like to go and preach Jehovah's word there. Are people reaponsive or are they apathetic?

    In the territory I am in (Saskatchewan, Canada) it all depends where you are. In the town I live in, there is a lot of apathy. It is a HUGE catholic community and the town actually go to their church, so they tend not to want to talk to Jehovah's people. We have a lot of First Nation reservations in Saskatchewan, and I really enjoy working in them, the people are much more layed back and are usually wiling to talk. There seems to be more intrest amoung the people there. It is so encouraging. I can't wait to see what everyone else wrote!! :lol:

    MuzikJay Posted: Jan 4 2005, 05:54 PM Quote Post
    Invited Guest

    Group: Members
    Posts: 12
    Member No.: 807
    Joined: 28-December 04
    That's really cool to hear that and really great topic!....the service here, (Tacoma, Washington) is not bad at all. A lot of younger people (late teens, early twenties) are interested from my personal experience which is still surprising to me lol. Place most literature at bus stops and gas stations though personally. But also get yelled at a bit at gas stations and homes lol. But good overall.
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    twylite Posted: Jan 5 2005, 07:16 AM Quote Post
    That is nice to hear that it is enjoyable to preach in your area. I have never done street witnessing or anything like that, but I guess I'll have to start. It seems that the approach work is full of all kinds of rewards.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    It is always telling when someone has to pick on spelling errors to make theyre point.Anyway you may want to look closely at your own attempts at grammar.Pathetic.

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