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by under74 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate
    Member Post

    swing low..sweet chariot......... by fleaman uk on 05-Feb-05 00:35 Feb 5, 2005 Re: swing low..sweet chariot......... by DireStraitJacket on 05-Feb-05 00:53 Feb 5, 2005

    fleaman uk Re: swing low..sweet chariot.........

    Post 525 of 527
    since 22-Jul-04

    34 y 11 m 13 d

    Cheers direstraitjacket.

    Yeah,the Boy Tait is an unknown quantity thats for sure.

    Ellis Park ,is that in jo,burg?If it is i saw the Natal Sharks play there a few Years back in the 12,s.cant remember the local team!

    I think the 12,s are soon to be the 14,s.

    I am sorry fleabag that my humble attempt to correct a few spelling errors on JW site should raise your ire.

    If you look closely at my post I did offer the disclaimer " I might be wrong"

    So sorry to offend you,

    Warmest Christian Love and Greetings,



    It is always telling when someone has to pick on spelling errors to make theyre point.Anyway you may want to look closely at your own attempts at grammar.Pathetic.

    I am sorry...I just can't help myself. It is spelled THEIR. Maybe you are right. I do need some help.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    I never suggested i was a Dictionary?You were the one who seemed to equate bad spelling with the evils of a Jw website.

    Congrats on finding spelling errors i made in a thread about Rugby!You will probably find loads more if you look closely.I doubt very much you have anything better to do.Pillock.

  • fairchild
    Technically this only happens if you were to click a link to WitnessWorld FROM this site. Web browsers only report the "referrer" (the previous site) when there is a direct link.

    Yeah, that's exactly what I did. Oh well. When I hit a reply button it says I am not allowed to reply *snif*

  • Poztate

    I never suggested i (1)was a Dictionary?(2)You were the one who seemed to equate bad spelling with the evils of a Jw (3)website.

    Congrats on finding spelling errors i (4)made in a thread about Rugby!(5)You will probably find loads more if you look closely.I (6)doubt very much you have anything better to do.Pillock.

    Evil...I never suggested evil but I do think when you want to put a page up you should do it as professionally as you can.This page was pathetic and I pointed it out. You aren't by any chance the admin there are you? If that is the case I am sorry I picked on you. By the way... 1.Capitals 2.Space 3.Capitals 4.Capitals 5.Space 6.Capitals Christian Love and Greetings, POZ Just Kidding...Try to lighten up

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    freck of

  • 95stormfront

    If those posts aren't indicative of a sucker being born every minute, I don't know what is. These people would be perfect for selling Kirby vacuum cleaners.

  • Euphemism

    sf.. good info! It sounds like a dedicated anonymous mail drop/forwarder.

  • Poztate

    freck of

    Oh Flea Man ...you do love to tease me. You do know if I spelled it right for you Simon might delete me. Just kidding...and was that a wink. None of us need any enemies except the WT I extend my hand of friendship to you.... Poz

  • steve2
    freck of

    Hey fleaman: shouldn't that be two 'ffs'?

    By the way, the keen-eyed predilection among some of us for spotting spelling mistakes and grammatical errors was instilled into us when we were JWs. That much I benefitted from my JW upbringing. I remember brothers and sisters saying that, in all their years of reading the Watchtower publications, they had never spotted a spelling mistake. Ah, yes, but there were other mistakes (wrong predictions, zig-zags on teachings, etc.) but in terms of spelling not a wrong word in cite, site, sight. Now which one is it?

  • Poztate

    Hi Steve 2...

    This is a FLUFF thread as you know. I can't take it seriously and neither should anyone else.

    I do get perturbed and grumpy when XJWS will not support (and state it publicly)

    1.AAA http://quotes.watchtower.ca/

    1.Ray Franz

    2.Bill Bowen

    3.Jim Penton

    4.Joe&Barbara Anderson

    5.( Forgot Randy)... WWW.freeminds.org Sorry

    6.Simon...sorry...meant to put you first....Honest

    There are many others...Don't be in a snit if I didn't name you...Sorry

    Log in and say what you have done to bring down the "evil empire"?

    It is only through efforts of people like that that the WT is on the run.

    I urge you to support them or at the very least not make comments that will hurt their cause.

    I do not see another Bill Bowen,a Ray Franz or Jim Penton standing up to the WT org ever again.

    This is it folks...There is no second string to do the job they are doing.

    Hey Quotes...edited to put you # 1 Fellow Canadian Guy

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