Superbowl ... "super"

by Simon 40 Replies latest social physical

  • Simon

    This is impressive. I've now been watching TV for 1 and a half hours and have yet to see *anything* happen.

    Will they play any sport at all or just 'tit about' all evening?

    The American National Anthem has just been sung by about 12 groups of people all introduced as "The American ... [blah blah]" (I preferred the version Roseanne Barr did). No? Surely not ... American?! Who would have guessed ...

    Before that we had some "We love America" anthem and "American, America, home of the Amercans" I think.

    And someone has already called the Patriots "The World Champions" (I think everyone else plays proper football, cricket or rugby so they get to be world champions by default I guess)

    Well, something just happend !! ... they have just tossed a coin. I'm so excited, I need to pee.

  • 95stormfront

    I know what you mean......

    I haven't seen so many self-congratulatory pats on the back since the last district assembly I attended in College Station.

    We can only hope for another "wardrobe malfunction".

  • minimus

    Don't watch it if you are going to be like that.

  • jst2laws

    There you go Simon,

    A fumble already


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Im only watching cos Martin Johnson is a pundit!

    He would eat these Guys for Breakfast!

  • 95stormfront
    Don't watch it if you are going to be like that.

    Oh it's not like that......I think Janet had a pretty nice rack.

    It was just a very surprising thing to see in that particualr program.

  • bebu

    LOL Simon, I learned a few years ago not to bother turning on the TV until at least 30 minutes into the actual game. It can drive you crazy, watching all the hoopla beforehand.

    I enjoy watching football much more than I used to. But I still can't sit thru a whole game.



  • Simon

    They've shown a couple of shots of cheerleaders so it's not a complete washout.

    Still, I've never seen so many people in helmets and padding stand around since I had lunch with a police riot squad who were on excercises !

    I wish C4 would show Kibadi (sp) again ... now that was good to watch.

  • Simon

    Yes, as opposed to an oval ball which anyone with an appreciation for sport will tell you is for use in Rugby.

    I think Americans are victims of a giant conspiracy - they have had American HandFootball foistered on them purely so that someone can sell advertising time. The networks probably break out in cold sweat at the idea of a game with 2 x 45 minute non-stop halfs and only a brief slot to sell ads for at half-time.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    Ha ha i remember that.It was one of C4,s minority sports along with sumo wrestling and erm,basketball!

    Gotta agree with the Cheerleader comment,however theres too much football and adverts and not enough Honeys!

    Ive got a Hankering for a Coors........

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