One of my former bs conductors and her husband decided when they got married, they wouldn't have any kids 'in this system'. I know the world could be better, but I see no reason not to have children if that's what your wishes really are....and you're able to for that matter. She just turned 34 and really wants to have a child. Did you or anyone you know subscribe to this thought, and what was the end result? Were you/they happy with this decision?
Haha! Funny you mention this, it recently came up as an issue for me. A few of the sisters in the hall recently made the remark that they'd decided not to have children "in this system". Being that I have 2 children, I had to ask what the deal is. Both said that they don't want to bring children up in "Satan's system" because of all of the pressures, as well as because of the very conflicts I am currently facing (transfusion or no, for example). Ah .. so the truth comes out - it's real easy to tell someone not to allow their children to have a tranfusion when you will never face that decision yourself, and you specifically choose not to have children to avoid that very decision. Heh.
The one sister I talked to about it the other day got very choked up while talking about her and her husband's decision not to have children "in this system". She said she desperately loves and wants children, and if she got pregnant she'd be happy. It seemed to me that this is one decision she struggles with, bigtime. I think that is the case for many who also make this decision - the sister said it is a "huge sacrifice" to decide not to have children when you want them, but it keeps her and her husband free to dedicate themselves to the ministry and traveling "where the need is greater" if necessary. I don't know. The conversation led me to feel that these people are making martyrs out of themselves, and are not truly happy making this decision. But that's just my take on it.
I couldn't imagine my life without my kids. My husband and I knew we wanted kids from day one - and "this system" or not, raising a family together is a beautiful, unifying, joyful experience. Ah yes, the same sister said she was told that when you have children it changes your relationship with your husband, you see him very differently, you love him differently. She said she wishes she could experience that deepening of her love for him. I honestly told her that she's missing out in that department because I know for me that my love for my husband has deepened dramatically since having our children. There's just something about creating these beautiful little human beings with the man you love, seeing him interact as a loving father, and raising them together - I wouldn't trade it for the world.