yes, I did the mikes; and all kinds of other stuff. I was a "baptized brother" ....chuckle, chuckle
This alone should sound a bell in intelligent womens heads in this organization. We are living in a time and age when women ARE ON AN EQUAL FOOTING with men in society. Women hold public office and are CEOs in major corporations. Equal pay for equal work. It is customary for women to be educated and to work; just like men. Perhaps the percentages are not yet 100% equal yet; but is unparralled in any other time of history.
Yet in the wonderfully "simplistic" world of the Jehovahs Witness; women are still treated like 2nd class citizens. They cannot conduct a meeting or give a public talk. They are discouraged to achieve higher education more than the young men. If a baptized brother is present they cannot conduct a book study or meeting for field service. They must be "subservient" to the male. Chattel? Draconian thinking? Domination or control of your lifes partner? Why?
What possible purpose does this serve?
My wife would react to that kind of lifestyle; and I would not want ANYONE treating my daughter with that type of mentality.
Ignorant; unintelligent; unsophisticated ; uncivilized; uneducated thinking in its MOST BLATANT FORM.....