I plan to do my best with my life............and I don't need religious leaders or an organization to make me do it. So my question remains.......................???????????????
I have always explained my position this way:
I am Roman Catholic. But my faith in God is independent of my religion. I say that because I've always believed in God and had faith, whereas I only became Catholic when I was 15 years old. That said, my religion is simply how I choose to celebrate that faith. With or without my religion, my faith in God would still stand strong.
I think the "need" for religion stems primarily from the fear/worry/belief that you aren't properly worshipping God unless you do so within the confines of a building (His "house of worship") ... be it a church, Kingdom Hall, Synagogue, or what have you. I think it also stems from the fact that it has been ingrained in people that without religion they are just floating aimlessly in their belief of God, with no real sense of direction - religion provides structure and direction.
That said, I do think that there are people who subject themselves to a rigid religion such as the JWs out of their need for acceptance, need to belong, need to fit in somewhere, need to feel worthwhile ... essentially to fill a need of one kind or another. If you think about it, JWs tend to appeal and gravitate to the "lowly", the people of need, people with no direction or support system, troubled people, etc out in the ministry. I don't think that is entirely unintentional, based on what I said previously.