How can you help a family member who wants out of his marriage?

by Had Enough 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Have him read Dr. Laura's book on rekindling a marriage.. I've not read it but have heard many testimonials that it literally pulled lost marriages out of the bucket and turned them completely around. Heavy Christian stuff but effective, I hear.


  • mama

    i feel for this guys wife, she deserves to be loved and appreciated. i say set him free, maybe then, he will see the grass isn't so much greener on the other side and that maybe his unhappiness has nothing to do with anyone but him. it sounds like she really cares for her husband, but she can't change him. he has take a good look at himself and figure things out. there isn't much u can do but be there for both of them. its those poor kids who will suffer the most though. my heart goes out to them.

  • mtbatoon
    Yes they've tried counselling (and not elders...he isn't a JW anymore) but not enough sessions to help. I wish he would have stuck with the counsellor longer but felt it was going nowhere.

    The goal of counselling isn't just getting couples back into a loving relationship but also, and it's sounding like this is the case, to easy any separation so channels of communication remain open. This is especially relevant here where kids are involved. I hope that the end result is your relative sorts out his problems and the family stays together but if he isn't expecting counselling to fix his relationship, approaching it as damage limitation may get him back to accepting professional advice.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Unless there are major problems, such as abuse of some form, I think it is extremelly selfish to abandon a relationship based on only the fact that one of the two has fallen out of love.

    It's particularly awful if there are kids involved.

    Other than I'm completely horrified, and repulsed by people that walk out on a committed relationship just because it's not convenient and they don't like the other person anymore, I don't know what else to say.

    What does this person think? That he'll walk out on his true commitment and somehow magically find his perfect mate???!!! No, no, no. There are no soul mates or perfect mates out there!!! It's all a fallacy.

    A relationship is something you cherish, and work on day in and day out. You make it as perfect or as ideal as you want it to be!!!

    What this person is contemplating is nothing more than terrible, terrible behavior!!!


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