Do You Feel You're Living Your Life or Someone Elses?

by prophecor 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • bem

    Art, I spent my growing up years ((when I beacame 'aware')) That I dis-liked my parents so much, I 'prayed' that I be a better Mom than mine was. a better parent than my step-dad was.

    It was a good thing it made me aware of life and children and there tender little hearts (and our tender hearts,) I noticed at an early adults could be mean and hateful. and I would think """sheese when I get bigger I don't have to love you any more!! """". LOL little did I know I didn't have to like them then either. But we don't know any better till someone teaches us otherwise. I gave my children permission to choose who they liked. I wanted them to be respectful, and kind, but they did not have to listen to everyone that told them to do something, just because that person was an uncle, grand-pa, teacher even a mom or dad. They needed to know they can have say so in there life and how they are affected by people. Likewise I always remember, kids will grow up and they will remember how I treat them now. How do I want them to remember me?

    So now when when someone (hubby was famous for this line) says "your just like your mother". Them theres fighten' words. But dang it I do have mannerisms like her, and I get depressed like she did only she denied it. I am seeing now, I tried to make my self super-duper mom. and darn it don't you know I make mistakes. I am learning to live my life now.

    But I agree with Holly on this one

    i want to be a young, beautiful, millionaire.......
  • TheOldHippie

    Yeah, partly I did; I had tried so many groups and directions and had been saved "here and there", but for years I read Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God and came to realize what I considered to be the truth about teachings on the trinity, soul, hell, holidays, last days; and while clearly seeing through his strange attempts at making friends with world rulers and his view on tithing, he paved the way so that when I was approached by JWs, there was no need to prove to me the fallacies of the above-mentioned doctrines.

    ................. it was only after I started growing "old" that I realized I was not so sure any more. I don't feel a bit wiser now than I did 30 years ago, only more cynical and uncertain about these questions. The food received has not exactly helped me grow, it has stiffled me in shallow pretended-science. Great experiences as to books I get elsewhere these days.

    Them there days comin' and passin' - life tickin' away ..........

  • doinmypart

    Wow, this thread and topic question touched a nerve.

    Since learning the truth about the WTS a few years ago, I've been feeling a little more anger everyday. I'd stop being a JW in a split second if it weren't for my wife. I love her and don't feel like I can be apart from her. We also have young children, and growing up in a home where my parents were separated I don't want my children to experience that.

    I hate the WTS for what they do to people. They lull people into the Org and if you ever wake up you'll be damned for trying to get out. I HATE this religion/cult/business, and walking around with this HATE is not good, I know this, but I don't see any other options to what I'm doing at this point.

    I feel like I'm living the WTS lie and I wish the lie would end.


  • prophecor

    You are currently living the life of Gumby and I think you should give it back!
    I honestly don't think gumby could afford to have it back!!!

  • prophecor
  • ezekiel3

    Prophecor, I could'nt help notice your avatar while reading this topic. Fine choice. And brilliant reference to Sting (the answer to your issue?):

    If, manners maketh man as someone said
    Then he?s the hero of the day
    It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
    Be yourself no matter what they say

  • prophecor

    And yes I'm Still An Illegal Alien!!!

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