Art, I spent my growing up years ((when I beacame 'aware')) That I dis-liked my parents so much, I 'prayed' that I be a better Mom than mine was. a better parent than my step-dad was.
It was a good thing it made me aware of life and children and there tender little hearts (and our tender hearts,) I noticed at an early adults could be mean and hateful. and I would think """sheese when I get bigger I don't have to love you any more!! """". LOL little did I know I didn't have to like them then either. But we don't know any better till someone teaches us otherwise. I gave my children permission to choose who they liked. I wanted them to be respectful, and kind, but they did not have to listen to everyone that told them to do something, just because that person was an uncle, grand-pa, teacher even a mom or dad. They needed to know they can have say so in there life and how they are affected by people. Likewise I always remember, kids will grow up and they will remember how I treat them now. How do I want them to remember me?
So now when when someone (hubby was famous for this line) says "your just like your mother". Them theres fighten' words. But dang it I do have mannerisms like her, and I get depressed like she did only she denied it. I am seeing now, I tried to make my self super-duper mom. and darn it don't you know I make mistakes. I am learning to live my life now.
But I agree with Holly on this one
i want to be a young, beautiful, millionaire.......Dorothy