...or not so new-----I'm seeing that they are getting rid of people on false charges. To the person, they are going after them and confronting them on whatever it may be but when it comes to OFFICIAL reasons for deletion, they are giving FALSE information. This morning, I heard that ANOTHER elder got deleted for going to a believer/unbeliever's wedding.It was also reported that he was caught "talking to a disfellowshipped person". He was a 20 year well respected elder in the circuit and district. I do not know for a certainty that this elder did not officially get deleted for going to a marriage of an unbaptized/baptized couple but I do know that in my mother's experience, they would not put that in writing and in my elder friend's situation, when he appealed the reason for his deletion (going to my kid's wedding) he was given 3 other reasons that NEVER EVER were mentioned to him in the past......Looking back at the Society's handling of the blood issue and reasons THEY say one has disassociated themselves, it's easy to see how they simply LIE about everything!
New Tactic Used By Society
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
that ANOTHER elder got deleted for going to a believer/unbeliever's wedding.It was also reported that he was caught "talking to a disfellowshipped person"
Its hard to believe that you can get df'd for that kind of thing. Its not even something serious (in the JW realm) like handing out "apostate" literature. A silly and petty religion,having forgot its occult history and moving to an extremely sola scriptura stance, that has no future. You know, someone should write a letter to the GB telling them to repent from their sins.
He got deleted---not disfellowshipped.
I'm seeing that they are getting rid of people on false charges.
For a religion that isn't growing too fast, they shouldn't get rid of valuable men who lead the flock.
They're stooopid 2.
It does sound unusual. Do you know if the elder is appealing the decision?
He got deleted---not disfellowshipped.
So how does a deletion go? Do they use a Terminator, meat grinder or just burn his files.
Hmm......am I mistaken (or functioning under "old light"?) but aren't elders ALLOWED to speak with DFed ones? Whats up with that?
Hmm......am I mistaken (or functioning under "old light"?) but aren't elders ALLOWED to speak with DFed ones?
I thought that too....and what is this ''deleted''? Is it the same as being asked to ''step down''?
Is it possible that all this is directed at cutting people off from the congregation who might be influenced by you, Minimus?
While I understand their desire to "protect" themselves from the spread of "apostacy" I truly am baffled by this strategy of threatening disfellowshipping/disassociating and "deleting" (what a wonderful term) anyone even suspected of anything less than total loyalty to WTS. Let's see, very few converts come in from proseletyzing, most new membership comes from family members of existing JWs, so we argue against having children and we "expel" current members and an increasingly brisk clip.
Do you think it is possible that "they" (whoever) want to actually get rid of all present JWs who might possibly prove to be disloyal to the WTS, introduce totally new recruitment methods and start all over again?
I've really been puzzling over this and cannot think of any other possibility that fits this behavior. But I'm sure you all have lots better ideas!