The Loaded Question

by ezekiel3 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ezekiel3

    There is a new fad presentation going around, a simple but loaded question. Ask the householder:

    "What would it take for you to be interested in the Bible?"

    Of course you can't say no, and if you say, "Nothing" the followup question is "Why?" So either you get a conversation or a door in your face.

    Could we turn this around?

    "What would it take for you to leave the Organisation?"

    Of course a JW will usually "Nothing," but by asking "Why?" you can slide in a testing tone to the question, in effect challenging their faith. If they do answer with a specific issue, you have exposed a faultline.

  • confusedjw

    Good question. I think I will ask someone that and if the answer is *nothing* will have an earful for them.

  • Gopher

    "What would it take for you to be interested in the Bible?"

    Talk about putting the householder on the spot! I thought, as a JW, that you were supposed to try to put the householder at ease, and try to get on some "common ground" with them (at least superficially).

    This approach almost assumes the householder isn't interested in the Bible. (Of course, whether you believe the Bible or not, you'd almost need to be brain-dead not to be "interested" in it because of the profound effect it has had on humanity in the last two millenia.)

  • Englishman

    It's an old type of salesman's question. Basically, you never ask a prospect a question that can be answered yes or no. Most answers will leave the answerer somewhat discomfitted and on the back foot. This one is typical of that. Most folk will ask why, and from that point on you're involved in an unwanted conversation.


  • jeanniebeanz

    How about, "The witnesses are a cult that has you by your family, and your bible is pure fabrication. Why would I have any interest in anything you have to say?"


  • AlmostAtheist

    I asked my father-in-law that very question. At first he said, "Nothing." But when pressed, he admitted, "If they said that Jesus Christ did not come to the earth and offer himself as a sacrifice for our sins, then I would know they were wrong."

    This was towards the end of a very difficult visit, so I didn't carry it any further than that. I wonder though if there's a way to backtrack from there.

    I tried to come up with something just now, but nothing really seems to work. Any thoughts?


  • ezekiel3

    Confused: Exactly, by saying "Nothing" they prove their worship for the Organization not God.

    By asking "What would it take to leave Jehovah (or) the Truth" you leave a way out because both are fundamental.

    However the "Jehovah's Organization" has changed, lost/gained favor, is a buch of imperfect men, etc. The door is unlocked...

    Almost: Your father described every Christian religion. Very weak response.

  • 95stormfront
    "What would it take for you to be interested in the Bible?"


    (goes back to watching the morning news while eating breakfast)

    That's a rather rude question to ask, implying that unless you're studying the Bible witih them, you "ain't" interested. I'd say a proper response should be just as rude.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Haven't heard of this presentation at people's doors, but it's possible. They'll try anything to recruit.


  • iiz2cool


    "What would it take for you to be interested in the Bible?"

    My answer:

    The Governing Body should hold a nationally televised press conference where they would apologise to the victims of watchtower abuse. After the apology they should proceed to drench themselves with gasoline and set themselves ablaze.

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