Did you lie before getting married in the KH?

by Samuel Thorsen 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    As you know every young couple who is planning to get married in the KH are asked a question about "clean conduct" a week or two before the wedding. If you admit to have been fooling around to much you can forget about the KH and go and get married elsewhere.

    I'm not married myself, but I was engaged to be married once and my soon-to-be father in law (an elder) recommended a certain elder to do the marriage stuff in the KH because he was a kind of easy on the mantadory questions.

    Fortunatly in never got that far because me and my girl split up about 2 months before the planned wedding, but I have been to a lot of KH weddings and i know for sure that some of the couples had to lie to cover up their conduct to get married in the hall.

    But how common is this?

    And what about you?? Did you lie before getting maried in the KH, or do you know someone who did?


  • Peppermint

    No one asked me any questions.

  • czarofmischief

    It would make SENSE to lie, since it's none of the elders business anyway. But I would have been dumb enough to tell the truth - which is how I got diffed to begin with. It's set up to reward liars and hypocrites and punish the meek and honest...

    Anyway, got married at a Justice of the Peace's office and it was pleasant.


  • Honesty

    They didn't ask. I would have been truthful. First girl I never slept with on the first date and she turns out to be one frigid mean you know what as soon as the ceremony is over.

  • Es

    We were asked the question...... dont know if we lied but we did omit the fact we "fooled" around a little without actually doing the deed. My brother and his wife also baptized bro and sis were having sex for about 9 months before there wedding. She fell pregnant and instead of just admitting or tellin the elders to get stuffed she had an abortion.

    We wernt going to get the kingdom hall anyway because my father (elder) didnt like who I was marrying and so he said he wasnt coming and so the elders said we couldnt have the hall unless my dad came !!!!!!!!

  • Sunnygal41

    We lied and I know that my sister and her husband were foolin' around for months also.........but, they never got asked, cuz his father was the elder in charge of their marriage...........and, I guess he didn't have the cojones to "go there". Years later, tho, I convinced my hubby to go with me to the elders and confess........he had just been appointed an elder, we were having marital problems and I thought "Jehoober was witholding his blessing" from us...........Czar, we weren't dumb, we were honest in our beliefs......nothing wrong with that. That was my first experience with a "committee" and I was totally disgusted by one brother's prying into our sexual matters with embarrassing, pointed questions.............

  • Englishman

    I was never asked. I married my first wife in Waterlooville KH...My Dad conducted the ceremony!


  • bikerchic

    Back in the olden days when I got married............this was the time when they came out and said dating is for marriage only, we got engaged soon after that. I was fifteen! We had a long engagement and no they never asked the question, I wish they had I was too chicken to call the wedding off myself and when it came down to me walking down the isle I was literally frozen.........I knew I was making a mistake, yes even at 17 I knew it was a mistake I was too immature to realize the consequences of going through with it.

    Marriage, rocky lasted 31 years by sheer determination on my part to stay until all 5 of my kids were grown and gone..........whew! I win the stupidity award of the century!


  • Englishman

    Gosh. My first marriage to a JW lasted 3 years. It was ludicrous. We had nothing in common whatsoever.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hah, no, we didn't lie in order to be married in the Kingdom Hall - had absolutely nothing to lie about at the time! Total virgins.

    Of course, 12 miserable years later, plenty to lie about on both sides...

    But it's interesting that you ask. Reminds me of something that I never knew about for all the decades I was in - my sister pointed out to me that she has no respect for JW weddings done anywhere but at the KH. Oh for crying out loud. I really love my sister but I can't stand stiff thinking like that. She said it shows no respect for "Jehovah, the originator of marriage" to have a garden wedding or suchlike.

    Sheese. Can anyone say... C U L T ??

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