CBS News and Oxycontin

by Bendrr 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Well, Captain Dan the News Man is back in the drug war. The latest threat is from the evil villain Oxycontin. It's causing a crime wave. People are forging prescriptions, stealing, and overdosing on this powerful synthetic morphine. Oh my god! There is nothing I can put in my body to make me feel good that isn't illegal and villainized anymore! Even androstenediol got the bad rap when Mark McGuire got caught using it.
    Aspirin don't work for EVERYONE! And most doctors are very stingy with pain meds. A person who is hurt should have all the comfort they require, which is usually more than the doctor wants to script.
    In addition, plenty of folks enjoy using the occasional pill recreationally. Who are they hurting by relaxing in the privacy of their home with a lortab or perc?
    This "war on drugs" is really beginning to annoy me.
    It hurts the innocent by making doctors scared to prescribe little more than "enhanced tylenol". It turns otherwise good citizens into inmates for keeping a personal supply of valium or lortabs for Sunday afternoon relaxation.
    And for what? To maintain a beauracracy and the status quo of the prescription drug industry. They are too inflexible to change to handle de-regulation and repealing of old laws which would allow RESPONSIBLE ADULTS to indulge in something other than alcohol for chemical recreation.
    Sometimes, (much as I hate to say it) America can really suck!

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • SlayerLayer

    I heard that Oxycontin was pretty fun. I haven't tried it yet, but it's on my "to do" list. The way it was described to me was like XTC that lasts longer. How can that be bad? The war on drugs makes me sick. More people die from this stupid war than they do from the actual drugs themselves. I've always been of th opinion that if you don't like it, don't do it.

    Maybe one day when all of the old farts are out of office and our generation starts to run things, the ridiculous "morals" of others will cease to be forced upon this "free" country.

    SlayerLayer---God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the snowy mountains and I had to eat him.

  • Francois

    I do hope, regardless of what you may think of other opinions of mine, that anyone reading this response will respect it as the unvarnished truth from the horse's mouth.

    Nearly three years ago, I fell 25 feet from a tree and broke many bones and very nearly bled to death internally. The short list of broken bones includes: a mulitple compound fracture of the calcaneous (ankle) that left both pieces poking out of my instep; compression fracture of the femur; wedge fracture of the L4 vertebra; open book fracture of the pelvis with rotational dislocation. I'll stop there.

    I've been taking a maintenance dose of oxycontin ever since. I'd give anything to be able to cease and desist this drug. I am now a chronic pain patient with those nerve-involved vertebrate and pelvic fractures. And a legal prescription.

    I got into the custom of taking 20 to 40 mg a day more than that which was prescribed for break-through pain, of which there was plenty. Since the additional pills were not prescribed, I realized I would have to stop taking it for break-through, or face running out. So I stopped the additional.

    Within hours I was cast into the blackest, darkest, most hopeless pit of despression, anxiety, and despair I have ever experienced. Add to that the usual unbelieveable cramps, runs, inability to sleep, flu-like symptoms, flying limbs, muscle aches, sweating buckets, chills, fevers, and an overwhelming desire to kill myself. This went on for eight months. And this was the result of reducing the dosage from 120 mg twice a day to 100 mg twice a day. I was given powerful anti-depressive medication to no effect. Sleep medication to no effect. To this day I have no knowledge of how I survived this experience. Stubborn, I guess. I'd rather be dead than experience even ten minutes more of what I have described.

    On another occasion, prior to the one described, I slept three hours past a dose time. When I awoke, I was in just the beginning stage of withdrawal. I was also in sheer agony; a psychological and emotional hell of agony that far surpasses my ability to describe. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Had it not occured to me, in a flash of clarity, to grind a tab into dust and snort it, I feel certain I would have eaten a .45 round. It takes an hour for oxy to reach the bloodstream.

    On the street, oxys are referred to as "killers". This is because the opiate is time-release. You take a tab and nothing happens. So you take another. Still nothing. So you take another. And perhaps another. By the time the first one you took takes effect, you may have taken several of these tabs. And one by one, as the time release coating wears away, the effects begin to manifest. And you go to sleep. And the others you took begin to take effect. And you sleep deeper. And deeper. And deeper yet. And you never wake up. Death by apoxia.

    If it were possible to just "tickle the dragon's tail" now and again on the weekend as you describe, perhaps you could get away with it. Many have thought that. Once on the weekend becomes twice. Then one on Wednesday is added. Then, hell, what's wrong with M-W-F and the weekend? And that quickly becomes every day. And then, since it's costing you a dollar, maybe two, per milligram, the cost goes up as your resources go down. Things begin to spiral out of control.

    The spiral is because this powerful synthetic opiate, more addictive than heroin, requires more and more to get a high. The high you got a month ago on 20 mg now takes 40 mg. Next month, it will take 80 mg to produce that same high. As time goes by, you are forced into the horrible realization that it takes at least 80, or 100, or 120 mg or more just to get NORMAL, much less to get high - and to avoid craving death's release from the horrible, inescapable depression, a depression so deep, so dark, that time actually STOPS!

    Few are they who can tickle this dragon's tail and successfully escape the dragon's fatal fangs.

    I assure you I haven't exaggerated any particular in this post. If I could find a way to deal otherwise with my chronic pain, I would do anything to get off this drug, anything. It can be done, I understand, but at a great, great emotional, psychological, and monetary price. The admittedly beautiful but fleeting euphoria felt upon initial usage of opiates is long forgotten amidst the sheer, timeless agony of its absence. And there is a better than even chance that you will eventually pay with your life.

    I will be happy to respond to any question from anyone at any time about this drug.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Undecided

    Hi Mike,

    You are playing with a life killer. It can ruin your life quicker than the borg. My wifes niece is addicted to crack(sp). She has two small kids and can't take responsibility for their care. There is a little neighborhood of black dope dealers about 4 miles from here and she goes up there and does blow jobs to get dope. Sometimes she calls others to come and get her and bring money so they will let her go home. She is pregnant now and is still doing drugs. Yes she is married and he is addicted too. He will gladly sell her for dope.

    All I can say is more power to the government to stop this crap. She stole my TV from my camper to get dope. If you don't think it is addictive and causes much crime, live on in your dream world.

    When I see her little kids and what they have gone through because of their addiction, I get angry. Dope has no place in a responsible persons life.

    My thoughts,

    Ken P.

  • SlayerLayer

    Oxycontin sounds like it's no fun at all. I think I'll pass. I stay away from anything that has addictive properties.

    Sorry to hear about your wife's niece Ken. Anything powerful in the hands of idiots is dangerous. Drinking is dangerous for the victims of drunk drivers, but we promote drinking responsibly, not banning alchohol. If the drug that she were trading blow jobs for was legal, then there wouldn't be the shady drug deals and sexual exchanges. The fact that she is doing these things while pregnant is just appalling. I know a woman that drank through her entire pregnancy, and her daughter was born with sever mental problems.

    Unfortunately, there are many mothers like that in this world. The problem is not the drug, it's the user.

    SlayerLayer---God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the snowy mountains and I had to eat him.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    My doctor prescribed ms contin for my chronic pain after kidney failure made anti-inflammatories forbidden to me. After three months I opted for oxycontin instead. It was much milder and I am able to function much better; although the pain reduction was better with the stronger drug the zombifying effect was too much.

    I took the oxycontin for over a year at 20 mg. twice a day. I was permitted three vicodin between doses as needed; I rarely ever used more than one a day.

    When our medical insurance lapsed I could no longer afford all my meds. Pain meds and Prozac were the ones I quit taking, since I like my blood pressure & heart to stay the way they are

    I had a few days' genuine discomfort coming off the oxycontin but mostly fluish achy fever and the runs; withdrawal from Paxil ws a zillion times worse for me, especially psychologically. Mostly quitting the oxy was no biggie for me. It's been months now and I'm still managing to hold on. If our bloody insurance ever takes effect, I fully intend to refill my pain scripts and take blessed relief in the surcease of this screeching throbbing in my various parts.

  • Undecided

    Hi SlayerLayer,

    I agree somewhat with you on making drugs legal, it would take much of the crime out of drug use. I also agree that alcohol can be addictive and does ruin lives, my wife's dad was an alcoholic for many years and my cousins husband drank himself to death.

    As for myself I will never try drugs as I don't have a need to feel on a high. I do drink a beer ocassionally, I like the taste, but not in the presence of my wife, her history with alcohol and her dad makes her hate alcohol. Everyone should take responsibility for their own life but when it affects others, especially children, sometimes they need some discipline.

    Ken P.

  • Undecided

    Hi SlayerLayer,

    I agree somewhat with you on making drugs legal, it would take much of the crime out of drug use. I also agree that alcohol can be addictive and does ruin lives, my wife's dad was an alcoholic for many years and my cousins husband drank himself to death.

    As for myself I will never try drugs as I don't have a need to feel on a high. I do drink a beer ocassionally, I like the taste, but not in the presence of my wife, her history with alcohol and her dad makes her hate alcohol. Everyone should take responsibility for their own life but when it affects others, especially children, sometimes they need some discipline.

    Ken P.

  • logical

    Synthetic drugs are bad

  • claudia

    I love Percocet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesnt make me drowsy, its like rocket fuel to me. However it is dangerous taking it on a daily basis. I dont drink so it should be my choice, alcohol is VERY addictive.

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