Your favorite CO/DO criticsim at the assemblies?

by AK - Jeff 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    At the circuit assembly, there is always a part on the program where the CO gives specific counsel needed in the circuit. Often this was rather droll, but at times some interesting 'foolishness' became obvious. One I remember was a CO that spent about 5 minutes deriding one elder (whom he did not name of course) for spending a Saturday arranging the icons on his computer [this must have been 10 years ago when Windows 3.1 was still the rage]. His sin? He should have been out in service instead. I would have hated to have been that brother in the audience, especially if any others knew who he was.

    Any others remember these talks and foolish subjects?


  • under74

    I remember one talking for about 15 minutes about how to properly clean a toilet.

  • LittleToe

    "Needs of the Circuit", ahhh, how the memories flood back!

    One item was on how some anonymous congregation had less than 50% attendance at the Service Meeting. We all knew which one it was, and now would probably like to emulate it.

    Name and shame time - it was Kilbirnie, in Ayrshire #1 circuit.

  • Balsam

    The one I remember best is when they got on the platform at the Assembly and went off on the internet, how Satan is using it to draw Jehovah's faithful servants into sin. Like housewifes that are not busy out in the door to door work, getting involved with worldly men online in chat rooms. Some of these wives have actually run off and left the truth to be with these worldly men. There is no truth on the internet that the apostates are spreading nothing but lies. This went on for 45 min. It was just unbelievable. My now ex-husband kept cutting me looks because I loved the computer, and used it a lot.

    I even found my lost love from my high school years on there and left that ignorant icky JW husband I had. How I set the tongues awagging. LOL He was and still is a rabid, ignorant, and heartless man. Yes that was one interersting CO's talk I never forgot. LOL


  • Mulan

    I have two stories.

    One............the CO gave a lengthy talk about "some people are playing board games that are not proper".............he went on to describe the game Risk and Shogun, favorites of several men we knew, who got together regularly to play them. Bummer.

    Two............a different CO gave a terrible, scathing talk about wearing beards. There was only one beard in the entire audience, and it was worn by a close friend of ours, who was not an MS or elder, just a publisher. I wrote him a letter after that, asking him why he didn't approach the brother privately to give him that counsel, instead of embarrassing him in front of several hundred people. Two elders signed the letter, as approving it. Dave got a phone call from that CO, (not me, my husband) thanking me for writing the letter and giving him some much needed counsel. He apologized profusely. I was shocked, but we were on our way out, so that probably explains my being nervy enough to write such a letter.

  • vitty

    Only two I know of . The first was not to watch the lion king cos it had bad words in it. ohhhhhhh

    As we had grown up children I asked a friend what it was. She said they looked through it and it had the word SEX written in the clouds (upside down) I dont know how true this was

    And then he told us we shouldnt go to centre parcs on a week that loads of witnesses went

    We still went , but it really took the edge off a really great time, frigging spoil sports

    I was really disapointed with this DO cos he was a really good speaker and down to earth on many subjects, but what can we expect they must tow the party line !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • upside/down

    Back in the early 90's I was threatened with being removed as a reg. pio. and MS because I was going to take my kids to go see The Thunderbirds (USAF ariel acrobatic jets) at Offut AFB. This was "mentioned" at the upcoming Assembley as a "side note" of breaking christian neutrality. Coincidence? I think not!

    Never Again,


  • Elsewhere

    S - E - X in Lion King... I don't buy it. You have to look real close and twist your imagination a bit before you see it.

    My opinion: Typical Psych-Fundi-Christian who obsesses about sex all the time came up with this one.

    Look, Simba, it says SFX!

  • czarofmischief

    There was one old dude that always wanted us to sing really loudly and was never pleased with our efforts... he had a point about our listless singing, I suppose, but I blame the lack of joy and the terrible song selection - it was like they were TRYING to bore us musically.

    The first church service I ever attended had a choir singing Amazing Grace. I didn't even conjecture that church music could be that happy and well-sung... wow...

    ONe guy blasted Beavis and Butthead when they first came out.


  • vitty


    Im so glad after all these years I have finally seen it for myself. What a load of crap.

    So many little children denied, yet again harmless amusement.

    Thankfully a lot of my friends took it for what it was, B__________S

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