Your favorite CO/DO criticsim at the assemblies?

by AK - Jeff 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist


    There was one old dude that always wanted us to sing really loudly and was never pleased with our efforts... he had a point about our listless singing, I suppose, but I blame the lack of joy and the terrible song selection - it was like they were TRYING to bore us musically.

    My old congregation always got kudoi for singing well. What we got heck for was the usual: falling meeting attendance and falling fields service hours. Whenever I heard a CO or elder complaining about FS time, it made me thing "where does it say in the bible to fill out forms and peddle magazines for a certain amount of time?" It is the most hypocritical, extreme sola scriptura sect that I've ever seen.

  • czarofmischief

    And when they DO back up their regulations, it is with the same three or four scriptures, cherry picked out of context and quoted until authorship and original intent are lost!


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