Sin in the New System...?

by stevenyc 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stevenyc

    Does anyone know what would happen to a person in the new system if they committed a sin?


  • candidlynuts

    pish tosh.. everyones gonna be perfect then... no sin!

  • new light
    new light

    I was always told that they would be eliminated. Of course, how can a perfect person sin?

  • jeanniebeanz

    I asked this question once and was told that Jehovah's blessings would be removed from them and they would just age and die.


  • stevenyc


    Even though were perfect, we're not immortal. Adam was perfect and sinned. So, if we sin, what happens?

    I also wonder what will consritute a sin. In eden it was fruit temptation. Is this the only way to test a perfect human??


  • IP_SEC

    After the thousand years it would result in imediate distruction no questions asked.

    Perfection doesnt mean never making a mistake, as witnesses believe perfection is relative, not absolute. So the sin I would imagine you are talking about is a willful act against god's law?


  • xjw_b12

    I guess it would depend on what constitutes a "sin"?

    In my household, it would be leaving the toilet seat up..

  • upside/down

    ** tongue in cheek**

    See we're all going to be vegetarians in the new system and when Satan is released from his prison the first thing he's gonna do on the earth is throw a HUGE BBQ! I'm talkin beef, chicken, pork, ostrich, baby seal THE WORKS! (medium rare of course). He is gonna let the smoke ascend around the earth and weak ones (like me) will give in to their carnal pleasure centers and "partake".

    Then it's straight to "hell" for us (bbq loving pagans). Oops "hell" was done away with 1000 years earlier, hmmmm


  • IP_SEC

    hehh well I was always more scared of the last test than the big A. I guess I better start practicing veganism now too.

    Naw I'm so good as it is, it will only take me about 7 years to reach perfection, everyone else 'cept maybe prophecor, and maybe bickerchic, will take the full 1k years.


  • upside/down

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot- and we'll all be NAKED.

    What kind of sports can you play naked (sex don't count, unless it's 3 or more mmmkay)?


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