Sin in the New System...?

by stevenyc 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stevenyc
    So the sin I would imagine you are talking about is a willful act against god's law?

    I'm trying to collect my thoughts on this, so if you could bear with me here a little.

    The original test was to obey Jehovah, one rule, don't eat from this tree. Adam and Eve failed. Then, people living nearly a thousand years, sinned, and there's flood because of the sin. (What sin though? no more tree). Then with mosses we get a rulebook. Then with Jesus this gets changed into two rules.

    Then Armageddon and..

    Jesus? 1000 year reign. Do we get new rules? The same Two Rules?? Or another tree? If we break them do we have a chance to repent, being of a perfect mind, we would only make the correct decisions to start with? If we are to live the rest of the reign do we become the new temptation?

    -Here's something else, Adam had no free will as his entire experience base was given to him by Jehovah, so, any decision he made was based on Jehovah's cognitive implant. So, If the perfect Adam given his life and experience from Jehovah sinned, and, <>some<> perfect people in the future NEVER sin. Could we presume that the only way to attain perfect non-sinning humans is to let them be born into sin? If they are born into this world with Jehovah's implants, their always going to sin. 100% record so far. Jesus was perfect, but had sinning human parents as early guides.

    Just some thoughts


  • candidlynuts
    throw a HUGE BBQ! I'm talkin beef, chicken, pork, ostrich, baby seal THE WORKS!


  • Ticker

    Well if they got some tasty cheese burgers and beer im a gonner. lol I would have to sin and eat thoese delicious treats.


  • IP_SEC

    Tell you the truth Steve, right now I'm struggling with the whole Judeo/Christian concept of sin as well as the 'a*dham/bible story. So I could answer your questions from a strictly dub point of view, but I'm not sure thats what you want.

    mmm ostrich BBQ, wing my favorite *drooles boorishly*

  • stevenyc


    So I could answer your questions from a strictly dub point of view, but I'm not sure thats what you want

    After a little more thought, I would say its not a Dub thing, maybe more of a christian thing. I could apply sinning in heaven, what would happen? And also, this Adam thing. Could he realy be blamed for sinning?

    Just whimsies, thats all.


    P.S. I take it from your forum name your into IT?

  • IP_SEC
    P.S. I take it from your forum name your into IT?

    Yeppers You take it right! :P

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You were right the first time. Its not a Christian thing, as a Christian I have a new nature, received from God's Spirit at the moment of conversion, upon the death of this mortal body, the old sin nature will die. The JWs have a big problem, because they believe it will take many hundreds of years to become perfect, they credit the educational system of the org. for changing man's nature over time, by the taming or changing the evil nature of man.

    My question to them is what can the org. do, that God could not do in the garden?

    D Dog

  • tata

    Has to be destroyed immediately

  • FairMind

    I believe the line of reasoning is thus; People will not be perfect at the beginning of the thousand-year reign of Christ but will grow to perfection as time progresses. All will make mistakes (sin) and it will take some longer to grow to perfection but all who strive toward that mark will, with the aid of God’s Kingdom, make it. At the end of the thousand years when all mankind is perfect Satan will be released from the abyss to test them. Those who do not follow Satan will at that time be given everlasting life, those who fail this test will be forever more destroyed. Also, Jehovah may put some who are persistent, willful sinners to death before the end of the thousand years.


  • stevenyc


    Thanks for the reminder, its been a little while for me.

    Hummm, is it possible to Sin after the thousand year reign?


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