Hey all!! I am married into a JW family, and I was told that there were only 144,000 people going to heaven (JW people at that) and I know one of the supposed people. Who determines this? For all I can see he seems like a pretty normal guy, and does not portray anything more spiritual than the next witness. Also, why is it that I (normal Christian woman, non-smoker,non-swearer, friendly person that I am) am never invited to the cookouts, parties and events. My family was even more recently not invited to a close family friends wedding. My sister in law is one of her best friends. Yeah that close!! It sucks that they can drink each other under the table and constantly gossip and dog other people, but shun being around me. I guess for fear of contamination huh? Hope u can help me. TY!!
Who determines the "144,000 heaven goers"
by SeekingHim 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
First Welcome ... !!!
Sorry to me it's all "..."
(I mean you have seen for yourself) ... so
I guess it should talk to you more than what "whoever at any level in JWPLANET" said about THE LOVE and the TRUTH in JWLAND ... -
Who determines this?
Any Jehovah's Witness can claim to be "annointed" (this is the title they give people who are part of the 144,000).
The general rule is that the last one was "sealed" in or before 1935... but you still find a few that were born well after 1935. My mom is an example... she was born in 1943. They let a few of these post-1935 people slide through the cracks saying that they are there to replace any of the regulare 1935 people who have "fallen away from the faith".
I'm certain that if anyone was to add up all of the people who have ever claimed to be "annointed" the number would be well over 144,000... you have to remember that that number included EVERY christian who will go to heaven, including all of the christians who were alive during the first century.
Hi, and welcome!
A good analagy for JW's is CCTV vs. Satalite. They are only allowed to get information on the JW CCTV, while anyone who uses satalite tv to get information is shunned because they could be getting information from Satan. And therefore misled.
Regarding the 144,000 this comes from Revelation. John was writing metaphorically(sp.) about Gods chosen people. Most Christians see this number to represent completness. The number 12 in the bible ofter refers to a complete group - 12 apostles, 12 tribes, etc. So 144000 is complete writen in Pick Flashing Neon - 12 X 12 X 1000 - absolutley complete.
JW's believe that at baptism you recieve the Holy Spirit (God's Active Force) which identifies you as a member of this elite group. You *FEEL* it. This group closed its doors in the mid-30's after all the tickets to heaven had been sold. However, as this group of people would now be in their 80's and 90's there arn't many left. This is where you'll here about *New Light* on this sight. The JW's have said for nearly 100 years that the people who see the begining of 1914 won't die before the Armagedon. This group also make up part of the 144000( someone correct me if I'm wrong). Part of this 144000 act as prophets in Brooklyn, and decide what is written in their publications. However, these man are dieing off, and going senile because of their age. The *new light* teachings now say some of the 144000 sinned before they died and can now be replaced, and the generation that saw the begin can die out before Armagedon.
Hope this helps.
Once again welcome, hope to see more posts from you in the future.
There are also the "Nouveux Anointed" (to coin a phrase), of which I was one. Ones who have some kind of spiritual experience but didn't have any other theology to relate it to.
Most Christian groups call it being "born again", or more accurately and simply "becoming a Christian", though not all have an accompanying "experience".
Jehovah granted me admission based upon an arithmetic immateriality variance that was calculated to mitigate the effect of the Watchtower's errors in math or its inability to grasp "new light" (i.e., basic math). He also granted me the right to make all future determinations of eligibility for entrance into the annointed class. Future female additions to the "annointed class" must meet all of my criteria for admission; and, assuming said criteria are met, there's a screen test too. Guys? Keep on dreaming . . . there's only room for women left!
Question: Does anyone know what the ratio of women to men in the annointed group?
I was curious to find out if they also enjoy excluding woman from this privilage.
:It sucks that they can drink each other under the table and constantly gossip and dog other people, but shun being around me.
Welcome to the absurdity that is the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The general rule is that the last one was "sealed" in or before 1935... but you still find a few that were born well after 1935.
I think you will find that MOST of the 8500+? that are taking part in the yearly ritual are born after 1935.
If they were BORN in 1935 they are 70 years old. Assuming they were baptized or "called" at the age of 10 that would make them 80.
How many 80 year olds do you see at memorial...Think about it.?? Damm lot of replacements...eh what ??
Are you referring to the communion that only "those" can take part in. I thought that was so weird. I have only been to one memorial, so when they told me don't partake I thought it was strange enough. Then when it was explained to me that you should not take communion unworthily I thought' "isn't that where salvation comes in?" Who is worthy enough for God anyway??? Thanks and to everyone else as well.