I ask this question because my "atheist" friend the other day told me that he is much mentally free now since he left christianity. He told me that "all" christians that he comes into contact with or knows from his religious lifetime are "miserable" and that the Govt should abolish all christian groups for the sake of perserving the mental health of the people. Christians never are satisfied with their lives because they are trying to measure up to "Jesus" and the Apostles and will never measure up which causes many nervous breakdowns among religious people of all christian groups not just JW or Mormons but many born-agains have mental breakdown as well. Alot of the stuff we see posted on this ex-jw website can be said of born-again christian churches. To name a few examples my friend brought up were: why can't you just go to a christian church without the minister trying to force you to give money all the time? Some people can barely pay their rent but the minister insist for people to stuff the collection plates every Sunday. Where in the bible do we see Jesus doing this? Most of the minister of today's churches drive around in fancy cars and live in big homes. Do you ever see a minister or pastor arriving to church on the bus? The minister would probably look down at busriders and make them feel that they are not serving God enough or else they would have a car. My friend said that he went to a church one Sunday in Jeans and a shirt and the Pastor complained to him that he was being disrespectful for not having on a Sunday suit. Where in the bible does Jesus command people to come dress to impress like so many churches and religions today. People are looked down upon if they come to church casually dressed or if women come to church in pants. Do born-agains really believe that God will send a woman to hell for wearing "pants" to church? Also my friend brought up the issue of homosexuals. He made the point that Christians are always condemning gays and lesbians to hell but would God really want a gay person to "act" straight just to get to heaven? Wouldn't this be a deception on the gay person's part and what about the spouse of the "straight" acting gay person wouldn't this bring heartace and problems for the straight spouse of a gay or lesbian? I think that Jehovah and Jesus would be sickened by this deception of a gay or lesbian trying to be straight for the church. So my friend feels that Christian denominations are so full of contradictions that they should be banned all together. The world would be a better place without judgemental christians and JW's according to my friend what do you think of this and what can I tell him?
Do you feel that "all" Christian denomnations should be "abolished"?
by booker-t 28 Replies latest jw friends
Well, I'm certainly not a "miserable" Christian, have only heard two sermons on money in over three years (and one was in a church in America), people can wear what they want without censure, and the Minister of my local church get below average national wage.
Those kind of generalisations make me sick!
Since leaving the witnesses I have been to quite a few churches (mostly because of moving around alot) and I have to say that those statements seem to be grossly generalized. I gravitate towards non-denominational churches, usually "worship centers" or the like. Believe me, I never knew church could be FUN, but I always have the greatest time at church. The music is exciting, the people are happy and enthused and seem to take the messages to heart in their daily lives. This Sunday I had to chuckle to myself, as I noticed that the drum player was wearing a Harley Davidson T-shirt. Most others in the church were causually dressed also. In the church I had attended in my last town, it wasnt unusual to see Metallica or AC/DC shirts. Although there have been notable exceptions the people I have come to know in these churches were kind and helpful always, and led exemplary lives. No ones perfect, but the attitude and atmosphere was always something I valued, especially after growing up in the organization. And I never felt that I HAD to contribute, although when I could, I did. But then, everyones entitled to their opinions as far as Christianity and Church are concerned.
The world would be a better place without judgemental christians and JW's according to my friend what do you think of this and what can I tell him?
Sounds like your friend's got the 'judgemental bug' himself!
In order to ban judgmental Christians, do you suggest they be euthanized? Or have their rights to religion taken away? The cure would be worse than the disease.
I consider myself Agnostic but disagree with your friend. If he's happier being an atheist, that's great for him. The fact is, miserable people come in all religions whether they are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Atheist. Outlawing Christian denominations would make people even more miserable.
Because banning a religion really works...
No. Don't ban it. It's stupid to even think that way; as though people change the way they behave or believe because of the law...
Oblivious to inner wholeness, there seems an unswerving need for us to join together in some ideal outside of ourselves for sake of coherence and personal identity. if not religion and deities, then political ideals and personalities. If not politics then perhaps corporate goals. if not those then maybe strong family ties. Perhaps all of the above, and still the list goes on.
Unless we can offer vision (and we can't), it seems cruel to take someone's cain away.
Though at times getting pretty nasty towards religion, i do understand the ache behind the need.
j -
There are a lot worse clubs to join... I say, leave them be.
The Christians on this board seem to always be getting a hard time.. lol
Triple A
I agree with LittleToe, I am diffenently not miserable.
Christians never are satisfied with their lives because they are trying to measure up
We are taught that we will continue to fall short, but to do our best. That God still loves us.
why can't you just go to a christian church without the minister trying to force you to give money all the time?
I fyou consider passing the collection plate being forced than maybe you are write. But I have never been asked to contribute more than I already have. In 51 years I may have heard 20 sermons on contributions/tithing and usually it is part of something else. Not a jam it down your throat type of sermon.
Most of the minister of today's churches drive around in fancy cars and live in big homes
Until resently our pastor drove around in an old Honda Civic. Nobody would ride with him. Now he drives an SUV that doe not have any frills. His house is average for the area and the nicities he did himself.
My friend said that he went to a church one Sunday in Jeans and a shirt and the Pastor complained to him that he was being disrespectful for not having on a Sunday suit.
If your friend lives close enough to go to church in the San Diego area, have him PM me. We are switching churches and in both you will find suits; however, you will jeans and Aloha shirts. My wife has not worn a skirt to church in years.
Christians are always condemning gays and lesbians to hell but would God really want a gay person to "act" straight just to get to heaven?
We condemn the act of homosexuality. No one has been able to show me that gay acts are Biblical. But we believe that all are creatures of God and we need to love and support all. Personally, I think your freind is looking for the worst. He/she is not going with open eyes, just seeing what they wish to see. It is like the canned response of, "I have looked at all the religions and found them confusing." When in truth they never looked past what they wanted to see and hear.