Do you feel that "all" Christian denomnations should be "abolished"?

by booker-t 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    that the Govt should abolish all christian groups for the sake of perserving the mental health of the people.

    I think the Nazis were well into succeeding with that type of thinking regarding the Jews in Europe. Maybe Christians should press for the government to abolish all atheist thinking ....

  • KKLUV155

    "When in truth they never looked past what they wanted to see and hear."

    I agree totally. Alot of people go to church looking for something to find wrong. The church I go to is very uplifting and no one looks at you any differently. I never wear a dress or skirt. My Pastor and his family are the biggest servants in church. When we have a dinner or get together, The pastor serves the meals. I once told him to sit down and let me serve and he told me that He was here to be a servant. He does live in a very nice house but he built that house before he became a Pastor. So sometimes you need to look at the background and not jump to conclusions.

  • pennycandy

    I'm sure there are people who live the type of "Christian" life your friend described. But I think that would be the far extreme. There are jeans and shorts at my church. I've never been asked for money, and as you can either donate to the collection plate (bag), pick up one of the pink donation envelopes, or send it my mail, no one ever knows who contributes and how much. There are also gay people at my church (non-demoninational). I never beat myself up for not being perfect. I know my sins are forgiven because I'm NOT perfect; that's what Christ died for.

    But most importantly, my church teaches to never judge another. It's not my place. Anyone is welcome in my home if they are polite and kind. I don't debate Christianity with anyone, no point. Everyone is my equal.

    I think maybe your friend has come across a few bad eggs, or has exaggerated "the opposition" to supplement his own opinion.

  • diamondblue1974

    After an age in the "truth" as such i choose not to go to church and allow others to dictate how i worship, although i have to disagree with banning all christian denominations. People for varying reasons need something to cling to...something to believe even if to others it doesnt make a great deal of sense. My mother is still a devout JW but if i was to dispell her believe system i firmly believe it would destroy faced with that possibility i would sooner she carry on as before.

    Banning religion in any breath is akin to taking away someones freedoms which to be honest is wholly immoral. Good thread...bad idea!

  • Billygoat

    Booker - you're friend has made some terribly gross generalizations. If he believes that his opinion is the answer to these issues, then he's got bigger problems than you realize. I find his beliefs selfish and very myopic.

  • Mulan

    I think that would be a disaster.

    Much as I would like to see all religion abolished, not just Christian, it would start some kind of mass revolution, war or worse.

  • Valis

    IMO banning wouldn't work, but I certainly wouldn't mind having laws in place that make church elders/priests very accountable for the well being of their flock. Legally and punitively. So much abuse has happened because so called "honest" people have turned a blind eye, or tried to cover up, or just plain not believed people were/are being harmed. There should also be laws that protect children from parents eager to flex their "freedom of religion" when it comes to abstaining from blood and other forms of medical treatment. If abuse kept happening then yes, dissolve them, turn over all their property to charities, throw the leaders in jail and burn their books. Simple.Besides that, no, you musn't ban Christians...many are Dallas Cowboy fans and we need all the help we can get!


    District Overbeer

  • Billygoat
    Much as I would like to see all religion abolished, not just Christian, it would start some kind of mass revolution, war or worse.

    I don't understand comments like these. How is this any different than the mindset of those terrorists? If there wasn't a mass revolution or war it'd be okay? If you don't like religion, don't touch it. But why take away something that is precious to other people? I can't believe that Communist thinking is something I'd ever witness by people that have escaped the Tower. Live and let live people. Good grief.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...why abolish anything?

    We live in a free society; one can pick and choose religion the way one would choose clothing.

    I firmly believe that FORCE ( as in abolishing chrisitianity) may accomplish a goal; but it WILL NOT change the thought process which produced the abolished belief to begin with.

    Rome tried to abolish Chrisitianity once; and look what happend to them....

  • Mulan
    Much as I would like to see all religion abolished, not just Christian, it would start some kind of mass revolution, war or worse.

    I don't understand comments like these. How is this any different than the mindset of those terrorists? If there wasn't a mass revolution or war it'd be okay? If you don't like religion, don't touch it. But why take away something that is precious to other people? I can't believe that Communist thinking is something I'd ever witness by people that have escaped the Tower. Live and let live people. Good grief.

    Don't misunderstand me, Andi. I didn't mean it the way you took it.

    I mean that I personally, really dislike religion. And I think everyone should choose for themselves. I choose not to have religion in my life. I don't discount that others enjoy their church or religious group. If I could choose for everyone, I think a religion-free world would be a good thing. It looks to me like most of the issues facing the world, trace right back to religion and differences and to people who don't allow others the freedom.

    But..............if some radical leader were to get a law passed, abolishing religion, it would cause a revolution.

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