
by peggy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    Astro-logy, study of the stars?

    I wonder about any system which is 2000 years out of date....

    I was born 12.12.1960, and according to western astrology that makes me a Saggittarius...

    yet a star chart showing the sun position for each day of the year made in this last century shows I was born in

    the 20th degree of scorpio.... one full sign off.

    A bit of reading revealed that the procession of the equinoxes...the drift of the spring rising sign every 2000+ years give or take is due to the north pole of the earth wobbling..... without getting too technical, the house of the rising sun changes every 2000 some odd years and that is what is meant by the dawning of the age of aquarius.... the sun currently rises in pisces on the first day of spring and soon it will be in aquarius--- but that means for the rest of us, we are all nearly one complete sign off from the time when our current zodiac signs were fixed by the greeks in the first century AD.

    I dont know about you, but I dont trust something 2000 years off.... even if 2000 years is only a tiny fraction of the age of the cosmos. (^_^)

  • avishai

    I'm an Aquarium. I like to get tanked!!

  • upside/down

    You shouldn't have to tell a true "psychic" ANYTHING!

    Just walk up and say, "Tell me what I'm gonna ask".

    Then ask for the winning lotto #'s and which stock to buy with the winnings. Then take it all and go fund the orphanages and childrens cancer wards of the world and live and die a VERY HAPPY AND SATISFIED human being.



  • funkyderek
    yet a star chart showing the sun position for each day of the year made in this last century shows I was born in the 20th degree of scorpio.... one full sign off.

    Of course, there's no such thing as "Scorpio" or "Saggitarius" anyway. The stars just look like they're arranged in a pattern from Earth. If you looked at them from any other angle, you'd see they're nowhere near each other. There is no excuse for anyone with even the most rudimentary astronomical knowledge believing in astrology.

  • LittleToe

    The star stuff is a bit of a misnomer. It's about planetary positions, and refers only to our solar system. The "star-chart" names are only for the ease of the quadrants of the sky that the planets are passing through.

    For most folks the Sun and Moon signs are all that's generally asked of, and given the fact that they have the greatest gravitational effect on our predominantly water-filled bodies, that's little surprise.

  • funkyderek
    For most folks the Sun and Moon signs are all that's generally asked of, and given the fact that they have the greatest gravitational effect on our predominantly water-filled bodies, that's little surprise.

    You know, of course, that they have no significant gravitational effect on our bodies, and that the position of the midwife at the time of someone's birth has a far greater effect than that of the sun or moon?

  • LittleToe

    You know fine well that they do have gravitational affect, though I haven't the faintest idea what that's got to do with anything - LOL.
    I concur with your point about the midwife

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