You see this from time to time that the society will quote a reference or commentator with out actually giving a reference. The book study tonight has two such statements.
cl chap. 25 pp. 250-251 "The Tender Compassion of Our God" ***One reference work explains that the verb ra·cham´ "expresses a deep and tender feeling of compassion, such as is aroused by the sight of weakness or suffering in those that are dear to us or need our help."
cl chap. 25 p. 251 "The Tender Compassion of Our God" ***Little wonder that one commentator said of Isaiah 49:15: "This is one of the strongest, if not the strongest expression of God?s love in the Old Testament."
Yet they go on to quote a long dead philosopher and give reference to his name, Seneca. I looked up the racham in Strongs and they didnt quote Strongs. Is it right to quote works without giving referece? Not just a dub thing, I mean would any work be taken seriously if they did this.
Their reference to racham was valid so why not give the authority for the definition?
pissed IPSec