To nights bookstudly

by IP_SEC 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mineralogist
    Little wonder that one commentator said of Isaiah 49:15: "This is one of the strongest, if not the strongest expression of God?s love in the Old Testament."

    Little wonder they didn't reveal the source - an internet search lead me to this site: Rev. Allen Brummel - September, 2002

  • IP_SEC
    IP_SEC Rev. Allen Brummel - September, 2002

    Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Thank you mineralogist! (sorry bout the copious exclaimations)

    I looked and looked on the internet for that quote. This is better than I ever could have expected. My wife and I stayed up until 2am lastnight talking about my apostacy... cognitive dissonace flowing. But this! Holy crap just wait till she sees this.

    God I only wish I'd had this info for the book study.

    Thank all of you again.


  • xjw_b12

    Good work Mineralogist. Yes that is one of the reasons for NOT quoting the source.

    One reference work explains that the verb ra·cham´ "expresses a deep and tender feeling of compassion, such as is aroused by the sight of weakness or suffering in those that are dear to us or need our help."

    The other reason is it's because it's what a previous WT writer had stated in an earlier publication. They like to quote themselves, as if they were a souce of previous wisdom. Wouldn't surpise me to fond that statement in previous WTS Shiterature.

  • Honesty

    Who really is the Faithful Discreet Slave?

    Who alone is God using to communicate with humankind in these last days?

    Let the undeniable record be a testimony to the true prophet of God.

    Who really believes the crap spewing out of the mouth of a book publishing company?

  • Leolaia

    According to Mark Smith and John Day (leading contemporary Hebrew philologists and experts on early Israelite religion), rchm is a stock epithet of the god El acquired by Yahweh; see, for instance, 'l chnn w-rchm "El gracious and merciful" in Jonah 4:2, Nehemiah 9:31, 'l rchm w-chnn "El merciful and gracious" in Exodus 34:6, Psalm 86:15, 103:8, and 'l rchm "El the merciful" in Deuteronomy 4:31. These stock phrases were then applied to Yahweh (as the two deities were identified with each other). In Canaanite mythology, El was also described in similar terms, cf. ltpn 'l dp'd "the kindly one, El the compassionate", and exactly these terms survive to this day as epithets of Allah in Arabic, latif "kind" (cf. Ugaritic ltpn), and du fu'ad "merciful" (cf. Ugaritic dp'd), and the use of the Arabic cognate of Hebrew rchm occurs in the beginning of the Quran: bismi llahi r-rachmani r-rachimi, "In the name of Allah, the compassionate and merciful". The language thus used of Yahweh in the OT is traditional language inherited from earlier Canaanite religion.

  • IP_SEC

    Hey Leolaia,

    Neet point, thanks, you should get a job working on the NWT v 2.1 :P

    I never get involved in your threads but I've liked em, every one.



  • ithinkisee

    Heh. . .here is a pic of our "noted bible commentator" person/kid:

    Looks like he is also a part of:


  • IP_SEC

    I wonder if'n he knows the society seems to be quoting him with out reference? *wished he could find AJB's email address*

  • IP_SEC

    This is ridiculous.

    Last week I caught (with mineralogist?s help) them quoting from Allen Brumwells sermon. This week here they are quoting from someone else?s. Again no scholarly references, they just call him a bible commentator. Bull crap!

    They know any time they use the term ?a bible reference work? = Insight on the scripture and ?one bible commentator? = GB member. I only wish I?d found this in time for the study. They have no balls to put the reference because why would the FDS, gods sole channel, need to quote from some dude who is about to be destroyed any day now? Those Caulk Suckers. I hope bethel is looking at this post. We?re on to you!

    *** cl chap. 25 p. 256 ?The Tender Compassion of Our God? ***
    (Psalm 34:15, 18) Regarding those described by these words, one Bible commentator notes: ?They are of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, that is, humbled for sin, and emptied of self; they are low in their own eyes, and have no confidence in their own merit.?
    they are of a broken heart and a contrite spirit (that is, humbled for sin and emptied of self); they are low in their own eyes, and have no confidence in their own merit and sufficiency, but in God only.


    PS: I wonder if this is pleagerism?

  • Euphemism

    FWIW, I doubt that the quote originates with Brumwell. The Society tends to favor 19th-century commentaries because modern commentaries are more critical of the text. Brumwell was probably quoting (also without credit) the same source that the WTS used.

    Obviously, this is in no way excuses the WTS' ommission of references.

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