I have talked with some JW's recently and they seem to make a big deal out of this. Whut is up with that????
The cross............ Why the denial of what it represents???
by coz 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Educate me. What does the cross represent?
JW's are big into being different, they use the differences to show that they are 'separate from the world'. It looks like a trivial issue to you and me, but they make a big deal out of everything.
Welcome to the board, by the way!
You'll find they have lots of things like this. Please look around and share your views.
Dave -
Hi Coz,
And welcome to the site.
There nothing really up with it being either a cross or a stake. The important *Christian* thing is the sacrifice itself. JW's love this because it lets them think they're true students of the bible, knowing the *true* torture device. If you check their references you'll see it not as solid as they think.
Once again, welcome, and looking forward to seeing more posts from you.
This has always struck me as odd.
And i never could understand the big issue as to what Jesus was put to death on....the fact is a good man died...simple... Why does the symbolism of his death have to be a key issue to someones worship? Baffles me...
i always heard that it was because it was a phallic symbol ..which didnt make sense to me cuz a stake is more phallic than a cross.
I have never been a jw but my best friend from childhood became one at the age 36 (he had been raised Catholic). When he told me about the 'truth' of Christ's crucifixion upon a stake rather than upon a cross he was livid toward the Catholic Church, and subsequently toward every teaching they espoused. "They lied about everything! If they deliberately lied about something like that then everything else that is based on that lie must also be untrue." This thinking simply entrenched his newly held beliefs, and made him believe that any and all other teachings were lies as well. This thinking gave him a definitive sense of identity and created nothing but a more pronounced separation between himself/jw and all others. He became just another mindless cog going along with the party line. Very sad for me to see.
One of the most succinct answers regarding the cross is here. Spelled out clearly:
This has been my favorite reading for the week (hey, I've only been registered on the boards for 2 weeks now. . ).
I especially love how he shows the blatant misquotes and deception in the Reasoning book regarding the cross. Gotta love those ...'s
Hi Coz and welcome to JWD... the truth about the troof site of watchtower nightmares
Kick of the treads and sit a
spellwhile.Wait til you hear about the other freaky JW crap. Next time you'll turn out the lights and hide from them.
A Paduan
".......that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ......" The stake is an appropriate symbol for them - no arms spread out in jw world.