The Exorcist 2: wow. Richard Burton AND James Earl Jones both making a potentially career killing decision. It's like watching two high performance automobiles in a bumper car rink.
End of Days. Who knew that the Devil was such a bitch?
But I want to say that Troy was better than it had any right to be. I enjoyed it.
The Bourne Supremacy; let's take the Gladiator school of action filming and apply it to twenty minutes of chase scenes: We don't know who is running, who is chasing, why or where they are going... in the end, we just want somebody to die so it'll be over.
Terror Tract: John Ritter in a horror anthology film. It goes through bad and into a strange kind of wormhole where bad become good again.
Anaconda: Ice Cube makes it awesome. The defiance of basic physics makes this film roll snakeyes.
Rushmore and/or The Royal Tenenbaums: Overrrated. Stupid. Boring. It was like a filmmaker sat down and said, "I hate my audience. How can I punish them?" and then got an Oscar for "Best Audience Punishment" so he did it again, only longer. Seriously, it was like the theater was swallowing me whole and crushing my chest, so I sat paralyzed, unable to squeak in protest. Popcorn buckets should have an emergency cyanide capsule for movies like these.
Jason X and Freddy Vs. Jason: So, he's pretty much indestructible. Okay. Great. If he's indestructible, what is he so pissed about?