Inhouse Limericks

by philo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR


    made my morning!


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • VeniceIT

    Simons board is so great
    I’ve ready every post to date
    Ok, well not all
    ‘cause some are soo dull
    and others are full of unfreindlyness

    Why is there so much fighting
    Lying, sneering, backbiting
    I thought we were here to help
    Not whine, whimper, and yelp
    But I guess we’ll have to keep trying

    When I left the borg I was lost
    But now I know whose boss
    I’m free to be me
    And be as I please
    So please JUST BACK OFF

    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • logical

    logical is a sad freak
    its not cos he is unique
    he has no mates
    uses frowns by the crates
    hopefully he'll be dead in a week

  • philo

    There's 144,000 inferred
    Bras, cullottes, and blouses? my word
    With heavenly callings
    But corsets with drawstrings
    Are certainly to be preferred

    Why, no! We'll be sexless angels
    There'll be nothing that itches or dangles
    But this teaching does mar
    Thought JFR
    My income that jingles and jangles

  • Englishman

    There was once Wasasister from Chichester

    Who groped all the saints in their niches-ter

    One morning at matins

    While dressed in white satin

    She made the Bishop of Chichester's breeches stir.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • riz

    Mony's life was in a transition
    aware witness promises wouldn't come to fruition
    She said "Hey, what the hell..."
    And on men cast a spell
    And pioneered the Harmony Position

    (running like hell )

  • riz

    There lives a man named Talley
    Whose humor is right up my alley
    He would post pictures of Russell
    I'd laugh so hard I'd lose control of my bladder muscle
    Then have to do laundry with a lady named Sally

  • safe4kids

    There once was a monkey named Expat,
    His banana so long he was stared at,
    One day he met a waif,
    Who said: "My name is safe,
    Oh my god, what the devil is that??"

    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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