Do you believe in the Bible just because you were raised to believe? Are you sure it's "believable"? .....Have you convinced yourself the Bible is just another book?
Why Do You or Don't You Believe In The Bible?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
I believe in it for now anyway.
I remember in school and we were being taught that in the Greek times things were explained by the many gods. There was a God for pretty much everything.
I feel the same with the bible. I don't understand alot and I believe the bible gives me some answers. Its like it gives me a hope or a reason for now. However the JW's took the bible rewrote it and made it their own. Who knows I may change my mind later...I am still learning about life.
franklin J
I believe, based on my experiences in life thus far...that the Bible is an interesting book of ancient stories from an ancient world. I do not consider it a "sacred" book or divinely inspired, anymore than I consider the Egyptian Book of the Dead; the Koran or the Baghd Davita , worthy of worship. All interesting to read; but not to be taken seriously.
While I believe that the personage of a man named Jesus was most likely factual from the first century ( although there is no secular record of him---why would there be?) I believe he was most likely a very charismatic personality to sway so many to his philosophy. Note that the population of the ancient Roman world was 1 part free man to 2 parts slave---2/3s of the population were slaves and had no hope of freedom in their lifetime. A belief promising deliverance in the next life and freedom was sure to catch on like wildfire.
By comparison only to Charismatic personalites swaying whole populations; history has shown that Adolf Hitler was also a very charismatic personality to rise to the power he held and make his followers support him ( my apologies to anyone offended by the comparison). Imagine how different our world would be today if he was not stopped?
Believe the Bible as sacred? Why should I? How much innocent blood has been shed over that book over the centuries....
just my opinion, Frank
Frank, YOU remind me of Jesus!
franklin J
..oh, I tried to convince my wife that I REALLY COULD TURN THAT WATER INTO WINE....and when I walked on water....she just looked away---I just dont get it---Min, would you tell Patty what you just said--she wont believe me....
zen nudist
the real name of the bible is TO SERVE MAN
and its a cook book (^_^)
I think the bible is like the Inquirer magazine. Some of it is real truth--some of it is so faults, but the average reader has no way of knowing what is true or faults. So I don't waste my time with it, unless something in it really catches my eye.
Put me down for a "don't".
I could buy Balaam's donkey talking to him by the power of a god, but the fact that he just began arguing with the beast like it happened all the time seems too far-fetched to be reasonable. Me, I woulda jumped off that bugger and run away quick. The last thing I would do is chat with it.
The concept of praying for others seems like a logical paradox. Either God will help people or he won't. If he helps you because I prayed for you, then your getting assistance from an omnipotent god relies on my whim to pray for you or not. If he helps you anyway, then my prayer was meaningless.
The many logical and physical holes in the Noah's Flood story.
Dave -
For the longest time, after I left "the truth", I avoided the Bible like the plague. I think I was afraid that if I read it I would read things that would make me feel guilty somehow. Like I might read scriptures and have a hard time seeing anything but the beliefs of JWs in the Bible.
Finally, I am starting to study the Bible again. I am seeing that most of the scriptures the Witnesses used to teach certain beliefs can be used to actually refute their teachings. Such as Galations 1:12 where it says "the good news is not something human", which to me means it does not come from a human organization it comes from God. The Bible also says to "make sure of all things" and "not to believe every inspired expression" and I plan to instill this concept in my children.
So far... What I am reading has been helpful to me and has helped me to be more open minded rather than less open minded, which is what JWs wanted me to be. I for one plan to use the Bible to help my children have some kind of purpose in life, faith in God and as a spring board for gaining knowledge.
Yes, I do believe it's God's word. I guess I don't want to think we have been left out in the cold without any source for God's word. I cannot tell you exactly why I believe in the Bible other than the fact that I have faith that God exists and I have faith that the Bible can be used for good.
I'm actually very surprised after what I have been through with organized religion that I have faith but at this juncture I think faith in the Bible beats faith in an organized religion or faith in nothing for that matter.
Just because I don't believe in the WTS anymore, doesn't mean I don't believe the bible. And for those on the fence, what harm does it do to believe? It doesn't hurt any, and I would rather believe and be blessed one day with what is given to us after death, than to be wrong and who knows where that goes.