My Pull-Ups Make Me Look Fat

by simplesally 13 Replies latest social family

  • simplesally

    Yep! That's what she said. She is 3 and a half years old and came up with that excuse as to why she cannot wear Pull-Ups with her nightgown.

    I have no idea where she got that idea that she could ever ever look fat!!!!! I truly think she has heard me say something or her dad when we have gotten dressed or something. But she certainly thought that would get her out of wearing pull-ups and have me allow her to just wear her panties to bed. I did ask her tonight if she thought she was fat and she said no and volunteered that I was not either, "but Daddy's a little bit fat," she said. He he.

    Oh the funny things they say!

  • xenawarrior

    LOL- That is so cute Sally! Out of the mouths of babes eh?

  • Scully

    That's so cute!! LOL

    Maybe she's trying - in a round about sort of way - to tell you that she's ready to wear "big girl panties" to bed.

  • simplesally

    Scully, she wears big girl panties all day and never has accidents. But every once in a while she does still have an accident at night time, hence the Pull Ups at night. She sneeks into my bed every night around 3am and so it happens in my bed, not hers. Her bed has the plastic mattress pad under the sheet but it seems I will have to be the one to get a waterproof one.........

    XW...yeah, she stood there with her Pull Ups on under her nightgown and stood there, and said, "See, I look fat."

  • G Money
    G Money

    Tell her to hit the gym more and no carbs after dark.

  • HadEnuf
    HadEnuf Depends make me look fat too. Cute story. I love those little tykes and what they come up with!!!

    Cathy L.

  • IP_SEC

    Shoot man everything I wear, including my man-bra make me look fat. *looks down* Ack! I am fat!

  • jwbot

    I honestly did not think a 3-1/2 year old was that self aware...that self consious! Even it was not really meant and she does not really think she is fat, I would really be worried about what is said around her or what outside influences she gets. Although it is a relief she does not think you or her is fat (but comments her father is a little..hehe cute!). As someone who has delt briefly with an ED and who has delt with a sister who has had a long-term (possibly forever) ED, this concerns me. I watched and heard my very skinny and petite mother comment (around us little girls) that she was fat, notice she would compliment me (the skinny one) but not my other sister (not so skinny, but not fat). This can be very damaging, and it was to me (because when I got older I was not the skinny one and I noticed the compliments stopped). She did not even realize she did this and still does not. Please please be consious of what is said infront of your daughter.

    I am trying not to lecture...I do not have kids of my own though I hope to have a little girl in the future.

  • calamityjane

    I agree with jwbot, I would be more concerned by what your daughter said than think its funny. I was thinking of this thread the other day, I'm glad you brought it back up jwbot.

    Bringing up two daughters of my own, I have always worried about their idea as to what and how they want to look. When my daughter doesn't feel hungry, when I think she should, I get worried.


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    That's the funniest thing I've read all day!!!!!!

    You little girl made my day.


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