My Pull-Ups Make Me Look Fat

by simplesally 13 Replies latest social family

  • Alisha

    It really sounds to me like she's just really trying to say she's ready for big girl panties. I have 4 biological kids and 2 steps. Out of those, 3 are girls (2 mine and 1 step). My youngest aren't ready for panties yet (they are both under 2), but my 7 year old girl did the same thing when we were doing the potty training thing. She told me they made her butt look big. I had to laugh.

    I think in a society of "ism-s" and "mental awareness" and self professed pyschologist (thank you Dr. Phil and Oprah), we are so quick to judge that our children are developing unhealthy mental growth. I think that sometimes you are allowed (and encouraged) to sit back and have a hardy laugh. Yes, it's true that there's Vogue, RedBook and Fitness mags that adorn the checkout stands at the grocery store. There's all sorts of infuences in the world that try to dictate beauty and some girls fall victim to it (my cousin had a serious ED until she got pregnant and she didn't seem to mind the extra luggage anymore). But hey, the girl is 3 years old, and she is in the midst of toliet training. I personally would give some thought to the idea that she's noticing the difference between what big girls do and she is learning she's ready to be a big girl now. You know...

    "Mommy, WOW! I'm a big girl now!" - I love that tune! So, you don't have an ED, and it sounds like she's a happy girl. If she made the comment once, don't stress it. Reassure her that you are proud of her, she's a beatiful girl, and comment on how much she's growing up! I bet she'll glow with pride and feel great!

    I think it was a fun, quarky remark, and I laughed when I read it! How adorable!


  • ApagaLaLuz

    heh, the first thing she ever said to me when I met her was "You a fatty"

    yep, kids, real cute

    j/k she really is a doll

  • simplesally

    Well, she is going to be 4 in a few days.............cannot believe it!!

    The other day, she picked out her own clothes: a halter top, short skirt and her high-heeled sandals, Barbie brand. Now the halter top is for a pink pair of pants and the 'shaky skirt' is part of a 3 piece sweat outfit and ........ well her sandals are her idea of trendy.

    Well, the combination! Whew! I said, "Hey you Hoochie Mama!!"

    She shot back, "I am not the hoochie mama. You are the hoochie mama, I'm the hoochie daughter." All said with her hands on her hips.

    Here's her shoes:

    Girls' Barbie Raffia Sandals

  • simplesally

    Well, I was just looking to put something in my now almost 7 year old's baby book and wanted to look up the funny things she has said and I knew I had posted one on here. It's fun to look back on things little ones say!

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