Remember, they always taught that the love of the greater number will cool off. IF, in fact, they start losing a lot of members, they will pull this ace card out, and announce to everyone how this is a major sign like never seen before, and the end is just about there. So you better straighten up, or you will be toast at armaggeddon.
861,000 Left WT since 2000
by Bluegrass Tom 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Bluegrass Tom:
Could you re-check the total for baptisms please?
Peak Publishers
2000: 6,035,564. 2004: 6,513,132. The increase is 477,568.
However in the period of 2000-2004 there were 1,339,068 baptized.
The difference between the amount baptized and the reported increase in Peak Publishers is (1,339,068-477,568)=861,500.
Something happened to 861,500 Peak Publishers. This is a tremendous number of members to lose in a 5 year period. Here is what the Average Publisher numbers look like.
Average Publishers
Average Publisher numbers did not break 6 million until 2002. In 2001 there were 5,881,776 Avg. Publishers.
2002: 6,048,600. 2004: 6,308,341. The increase is 259,741
However in the period of 2002-2004 there were 768,730 baptized.
Bluegrass Tom
The 1,339,068 baptized refers to the years 2000-2004.
The 768,730 baptized refers to the years 2002-2004.
Two different time periods because the Peak and Average Publisher numbers hit 6 million in different years.
In general, there are on the average 255,000-265,000 baptized annually world-wide. This confirms the above numbers.
I appologize if my presentation of things was confusing to anyone.
I will re-check all my figures later on today, and if any corrections are warranted, I will post them.
By the way, these figures can be verified by anyone by checking the published data in the yearbooks.
US car companies learned that if someone buys a lemon, they tell an average of 17 people about it.
Well we certainly have beaten the average of 17 ... haven't we Metatron?
"The following is a summary of Peak Publishers Vs. amount of people baptized since the 6 Million mark was hit."
not to meant to rain on your parade, but i think you are comparing APPLES TO ORANGES.
whenever i see someone trying to compare # pub to # baptized, they are already off in their numbers
here is the problem you create for yourself and any 2 hour publisher can blow your post out of the water
let's say you have a congo with 10 publisher in 2000- the break down is as follows:
3 baptized
7 unbaptized
10 pub
4 baptized
6 unbaptized
10 pub
5 baptized
5 unbaptized
10 pub
6 baptized
4 unbaptized
10 pub
9 baptized
1 unbaptized
10 pub
the problem the wt has is THEIR ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FOR who they call a JW- in most religion they count baptism as a a member
well when the wt was small they didnt have enough folks baptized so they counted anyone who sold books as being Identifieed as a jw esp when they gave thier Total count to news org, media-
over the years due to this system you end up with OLDER BAPTIZED JW not being counted, case in point- i was the sec in my hall and we had an "annointed" sister, 80+yr old, conducted the wt, started whole congo, etc in the day, now she is old and can't report time, so she when i called her up on her 6th month she had no time, so she went from IRREGUALR PUB TO IN ACTIVE PUB-- she broke down crying saying
"I will not be counted in the yearbook" can you believe that, so i was like well jah understands that when you were young you give your best,
and she went on about how she felt so bad knowing she would MESS OF THE ANNUAL REPORT-
so there are literally 10s of thousands of baptized jw who are no longer counted as being a jw since they don';t SELL BOOKS ON THE WEEKEND-
that was the whole point of lowering the time to "15min" instead of the standard 1 hour to make the list- smile
so please don't confuse pub with baptized folks-
i tell folks all the time if you really want to mess with the wt, we should all go back and turn in "1 hour a month" and it would kill the stats- smile
a few weeks ago a poster on the net quoted some articles were the wt tried to USE MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE to show how large of a relgion the jw were,
i think it was in France- got to ck my archives
so the wt always plays with the numbers- all you have to do is ask any SEC are the numbers real or bogus?? smile
I am interested in putting this into context with the previous decade:
1990 - 4,017,213 pubs 301,518 bap. both peak numbers
1991 - 4,278,820 pubs more than 300,000 bap. (just says more than, doesn't give an exact figure but you'd assume that it wasn't a peak, because they'd flaunt that so therefore less then 1990) peak pubs.
1992 - 4,472,787 pubs 301,002 bap both peak numbers
1993 - 4,709,889 pubs 296,004 bap peak pubs
1994 - 4,914,094 pubs 314,818 bap both peak numbers
So, total baptisims = 1,513,342 total increase is 896,881, so that means that in that period 616,461 left.
I thought this was interesting:
w91 1/1 p. 17 Be Filled With Joy ***After 15 years, baptisms again reached an all-time peak?301,518!
w93 1/1 p. 10 Rejoicing in Our Grand Creator ***The peak of 301,002 baptized during 1992 also reflects the fact that multitudes are accepting Bible truth.
I wonder how many years they've done this? Is the peak in 1992 (301,002) really higher then the peak in 1990 (301,518)? Oh, right ... this is comming from the ones who say that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.! LMAO
OK, we all rant about the internet but I bet millions of ex-jws don't have the internet and may spend years wondering how to recover like I did. Lets have a minutes silence to all of them.
I was Baptized in 2000 and I left.
*** yb74 pp. 254-255 Is Your Faith Dead or Alive? ***
Is Your Faith Dead or Alive?
James said, ?Faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself.? (Jas. 2:17) Having now read the Yearbook, can you say that Jehovah?s Christian witnesses world wide have faith that led them into action? Their faith is certainly not a lifeless thing. All true Christians must show that their faith is a live faith, because ?faith without works is dead.? (Jas. 2:26) One?s faith must show up through work in some way. How? Look at the results with 193,990 persons being baptized last year. Jehovah?s witnesses were doing what Christ Jesus directed his disciples to do, make more disciples! So their faith shown by works has been productive.
It is very interesting to note that in the last seven years 949,842 persons were baptized; and in the last 26 years, 2,084,398. These figures say something to us. At the close of the year 1966 there were 1,118,665 publishers who were sharing in the Kingdom service, and since then there have been another 949,842 persons baptized. So today, if we make allowance for those who have died, which normally runs to about one percent per year, still we should have nearly two million persons who could be preaching the good news.
The Yearbook report shows there was a peak in publishers of 1,758,429 out in the field in 1973. So that is approximately 250,000 short of two million. Think of James? words again: ?Of what benefit is it, my brothers, if a certain one says he has faith but he does not have works?? (Jas. 2:14) Remember, he is talking to those who have dedicated their lives to God and are baptized. He is addressing his words to ?my brothers.? Are we to assume that about 250,000 of our brothers and sisters are trying to show faith without any works? It is something to ponder over.
The Society?s records show that 2,084,398 persons were baptized in the last 26 years. Add to that the publishers who were in the field service the previous year, 1947, namely, 207,552, and that gives you a total of 2,291,950 persons. Allowing for the death of about 225,000 persons, at the usual rate of one percent each year, are we to say that since 1947 there have been over three hundred thousand brothers and sisters who have gone out in the field service at some time or other since their dedication and baptism and are now trying to show Jehovah and others their faith without works? James says: ?Faith divorced from deeds is lifeless as a corpse.??Jas. 2:26, NE.
(Part of) Letter by N. H. Knorr