861,000 Left WT since 2000

by Bluegrass Tom 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JT

    OK, we all rant about the internet but I bet millions of ex-jws don't have the internet and may spend years wondering how to recover like I did.


    so true indeed, i have met folks who left in 1976 - only to fully understand what they had been apart in the 90's when the net became more common

    for 20 plus years they lived in fear, uncertainity anddoublt many times bout did we do the right thing in leaving

    as soon as some world diaster would strike they felt that they needed to go back, ONLY AND I MEAN ONLY until they hit the net did they realize they were NOT ALONE, THE SHEER level of isolation that many felt esp living in small towns or having all family in wt,

    the stories will make you cry as they dealt with feelings of failure, worthless, self doubt and oftentimes finding themselves in destructive relationships with men of all kind or women of all kind or just destructive behavori

    as many have told me SINCE I AM GOING TO DIE AT ARMEDGEDDON ANYWAY i might as well live it up

    so yes we can thank the net

  • Maverick

    Interesting number crunching. Having been the account servant twice I know how the Organization likes to work over their numbers. I'd like to see how many got DF'd in the last twenty years, add at least that many who faded, and the ones who left BEFORE being stupid enough to be dunked and I bet you have more EX JW's worldwide than truely active ones. And the years of experience of the ex members over the active one might make one ponder. Add in the internet and sites like this one and the EX JW's are no longer a bunch of isolated malcontents. We are a force the WTS has to deal with and the longer this system goes on the less people will take them seriously.

  • ballistic

    Yes JT too true. We got the internet here in the UK gradually from 5 to 10 years after the US. When I was a witness and buying and selling IBM 286s as a part time business, an elder warned me about the internet - but all I knew was primitive BBS systems - in other words - our elders here in the UK had been warned by bethel in the US of the dangers of the internet before it even got here! I was disfellowshipped 2 years later but spent some time considering re-instatement and going back, and had many a difficult life experiences as a young person kind of re-living my childhood for the first time in my mid twenties. Then finally went to college on an IT course and got the internet to follow up my computer interests and was hooked from day one on ex-jw sites, which is when everything fell into place, thank God.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Before the internet I thought I was the only one that had these feelings and doubts. The last 5 to 10 years after reading ex-JW sites I have come to realize I was not alone in my thinking. Before the internet that was the big thing that the WT had over any ex-JW was the fear of being alone and not having a support network to fall back on.


  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    wwhen you take a mortal rate of 1 % per year it will be in 4 years about a quarter million who died so it is netto about 600.000 that left the "truth".

    And you must add to the publishers the 15-minute regulation of old publishers, I guess it is mayebe another 10 % of the whole sum.

    So we can compare with the figures in 2000 where there was no 145 min regulation and those old pubs did not cout. that leads to the recognition that WT has lost about 1 million of publishers in real.

    They shaped the figures by the 15 minute activity and make the public known that they still are increasing.

    But the blessing from above does fail - surely because of the UN-NGO thing, the worldwide activity to become accepted and tax subventioned church.

    What WTS was in the early 70ies it is no more. They show engagement to survive in a world of discouragement.

    There are no figures to believe in 1914 and its generation is off. The real truth - Zecharaja chapter 7 and the devastation of Jerusalem 70 years before - in 587 b c - is not tought

    as then all the stuff of doctrine must be change. And the cream in the coffee is, that you may take your blood, saved by the cell-saver, take it out of the circuit and let it may be radiated beecause of cancer - then anfter hours you can take it again into your venes and it is no blood transfusion in the sight of WTS.

    But take your blodd before an operation store it and use it in case of danger - that is sin.

    Wash my fur but dont make me wet means the same.

    they should repent in sack and ashes. But they dont - like the leaders of Judah, Israel and Jerusalem - before they were destroyed.

  • ozziepost

    The 'revolving door' syndrome.

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