Shunned by the WalMart people greeter!

by heart2heart 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gretchen956

    Congratulations on calling him on his actions. Please let us know how this comes out!

    Now, about being a Wal-Mart convert, right now in my state we have a bill up before the state legislature to ensure that every company with at LEAST 50 employees must provide at least a minimum (medicaid level) health insurance coverage for their employees. This bill is actually known as the Walmart bill, why? So many of the Walmart employees are on public assistance for their medical expenses let alone food stamps. Walmart, of course is the biggest lobbyist against the bill and says that they shouldn't be forced to provide any medical coverage for their employees.

    Some big-hearted corporation. For the one or two good things they do there are SO many major WRONG things. I try never to shop at Walmart.


  • Poztate
    Those old farts are actually security?


    Maybe they take a more passive role in the States but here in Canada they check your sales slip against what is in your cart to make sure you aren't trying to steal something.

    When you go through the exit doors and the sales person does not deactivate the security tags imbedded in many boxes or merchandise an alarm is sounded.

    In Canada it is...Please return to your nearest sales counter. Apparently we have failed to remove the inventory control tag from your merchandise. It does sound a lot friendlier than "Stop Thief or We Will Shoot"

    They use old people a lot to do the job. I am sure a young person armed with a 357. magnum might scare a little business away.

  • Leolaia

    The Walmarts here are also dirtier, more crowded, and in a more general state of disrepair than the Targets.

    The funny thing about Target tho is that some of them have security guards dressed in full police officer-like costumes complete with badges and caps. The funny thing is that some of these security guards I've seen look like they're 17 year old girls ... who look downright hilarious in such ostentatious garb.

  • wednesday

    Whatever Wal-mart's problems are I really don't see much problem here. Mine is clean and well cared for, the employeses seem polite and welltrained and at least I can afford to shop. Than goodness for wal-mart for without it I could not afford half the stuff I own. I see people say that are dirty and cheap but our store is clean and wellcared for. securty is good and I'm very glad the prices are cheap b/c i'm poor. Poor people need a place to shop. and I don't see wal-mart going out of business anytime soon. a lot of peole in our town work at wal-mart.We have a target too, but they are overpriced and the clothes , as a rule, are the same quality as wal-marts and u pay more.A lot more.

    say what u want, i'll be shopping at wal-mart as long as they are in business. But if one of our local jws work there and won't speak to me -I'll roast his arse if he does not greet me.

  • bem

    Good for you Wednesday We have very clean Wal-marts here also. My oldest son worked as a CNA. then went to Wal-mart and he has moved up in jobs and pay steadily and they are training him and paying him so it really is different for him also, he will make a good living and have retirement benefits and investments, he has a health insurance also. The corporate office and original Waltons buisness is near us also and the community that it is in is a beautiful community IMO. I'm not promoting all wal-marts just commenting on the ones in our communities.

  • Golf

    You should have taken the manager with you and give a free demonstration. What would he have done, turn hypocritical TWICE, to you and the manager? One way or the other his true colors would have shown.


  • heart2heart

    what truth: I don't really "care" - it was the first time it happened to me, and I actually thought it was funny! The main problem is that it is this guy's job to greet everyone and he blatantly ignored us after he saw us coming. It just pisses me off because some take it a little too far.

  • FlyingHighNow

    On the subject of the elder greeter. I would have walked up directly to him and said something to him. If he ignored me, then I'd tell him, I'm going straight to your manager: NOW! But that's just me.

    Wednesday, I agree with you about shopping Wal-mart. I buy all of my toiletries, cosmetics and paper products there.The last two years I bought their Earth Shoe brand boots for work. They are ten times more comfortable than my Reeboks or I Luv Comfort shoes and half the price. All leather, too. I was praying they'd sell the exact same boots this year. To my luck they did!

    My only sadness is that we don't have a Super Wal-mart nearby. When they built the Super Wal-mart back home, it became the place to run into your friends. We'd spend hours there. Their groceries are such a good deal, too. Meijer here in SW Michigan has a beautiful grocery store in it, but you pay dearly for it. Their prices are not discounted. If they build any Super Wal-marts here in Grand Rapids, Meijer will have to be competitive or they'll lose their business. I'm looking forward to that day.

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