Oh and by the way...nice use of bigs words...Did I say that right? (Or correct?)
Hate leaving my family behind.
by Big Dog 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have never done anything like this and was amazed at how stressful it was to sign up and press the return key to join up and actually post something.
I hears ya BD. You sound just like me a few months ago. My wife tells me my problem is that I'm not humble, too prideful, if she only realized how much pride I had to swallow to join this board.
Only reason Im still in is because of my family. I keep hoping there is a laxing on shunning so I can leave easier. A lot of my family are still in, and it do suck to see them being more deeply indoctrinated.
Double Edge
Welcome ALLRIGHTS....(and BIG DAWG too)...
Lurking 3 years !? What's your rush to post now?
welcome both of you, stick around.
Welcome Big Dog.............and sorry for your predicament.
Welcome to both Big Dog and Allrightsreserved?
Some one quoted Eric Hoffer (The Longshoreman Philosopher) here, author of "A true believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements".
After 9/11 the book was somewhat revived because of the similarities of it's subject, the Nazi Movement and Islamic fundamentalist. I?m sure you will find interesting thoughts in this slim book.
Hey Big Dog, glad you made 'cross the border. I can understand to a degree how disillusioned you are to have to leave your family behind, kinda' like passengers on the Titanic before it sinks, the crew and passengers won't take it to heart that there's been a terrible accident and it's necessary to abandon ship. It was, afterall, deemed to be an unsinkable vessel.
I have no immediate members of my family in " The Truth ", though as I've come to go look back in history, my aunt who introduced me to JW organisation, who left in the 1980's and was a very staunch, firm believer in Jehovah and the organisation, causes me to wonder if her leaving may've had anything to do with the disruption at the top, Franz's disfellowshipment, 1975 or some other particular issues she may've had. What worries me more than anything is whether or not she has allowed herself to acquire the forbidden information about the organisation, whether she's gotten the scoop on the WTBTS, and all that they portray themselves to be, but are not.
So I guess what I'm saying is that it could be worse, for those on the outside without the secret knowledge, you could walk your life down some pretty dark streets of desperation. I for one know, as I regarded myself as a walking corpse, waiting to lie down, every minute I was away from the organisation, every second I spent not in the Hall, I was always waiting for the axe to fall, looking over my shoulder, asking myself, is this the day I get whacked by Jehovah? Is this the day that something's going to take me out? To be on the inside without knowing the truth about the truth, can be a lot better than being on the outside and being in total ignorance of the un-truthfullness of the organisation.
Welcome Aboard Regardless, Though, Big Dog!!!
Hi BigDog, I bet you'll have more success through example rather than trying to duke it out. In general people only let go of beliefs if they want to and so if your life shows you achieving and reaching your potential - most of all you being happy (tough without full family support I agree) that is the best thing you can ever give your family. When people realise that after the org you don't sprout horns (not visible ones anyway) don't crawl into a hole of self destruction (as expected) but actually experience life and enjoy it and follow a good set of principles then they may come round. Good luck.
Big Dog welcome to the forum, Sorry about the loss of your dad, I have been fortunate my children have left just after me so I have ones that are important to me 'out' also. Most of the folks here can help you with specific problems and issues.
Big Dog
To Dan, I'm in the Akron-Cleveland area.
To ARR, Go Bucks!
I agree with the sentiment of just living my life and setting an example that there is life outside the Borg is the way to go, the debates are pointless.