Everyone has superstitions. It's part of being sentient in a universe that clearly resents sentience. IN any case, most people indulge themselves in egocentric fantasies; (this traffic is here to make me late!) and in rare cases leads to schizophrenia, when you wander into the egocentric fantasy world and never come out. So it is no surprise when the dubs, denied the traditional superstitions that satisfy the need for egocentrism, create a bunch of their own.
SOme would say it is harmful, I would just say impossible to avoid...
Good point Czar! But if so, why not just acknowledge it as normal human behavior? You could have wind chimes knowing that there history was linked to scaring demons away, but now you like them because of the wonderful tinkling sound on a balmy day. Or you could do like the Watchtower and absolutely forbid wind chimes because somebody somewhere in history used them to scare away demons.
Isn't forbidding something because it was once a superstition superstitious in itself? Isn't the avoidance of certain things like wind chimes or fuzzy dice still a way to impart power to the object or superstition?
I just don't quite get it. It never made sense to me. Like the analogy of "don't think of a white horse." Poof! The image of a white horse is in your mind. The very effort of trying to avoid something gives it power and tangibility just as much as believing in it. It actually may even give it more emphasis in some cases.
Wouldn't it have been better for the Watchtower to say, yes, it is an old superstition, but if you like the sound of wind chimes, go ahead?
I just don't understand them... but maybe that's a sign of growth. (sigh)