What were u taught in Bible study that changed after being baptized?

by hubert 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hubert

    I want to make up a list. Some things that I was told personally, even though I am not a j.w., are..

    Me: "Do j.w.'s shun people"?

    Answer: "Oh, no, we don't do that". (From myy sister-in-law).

    Me: "Do you have to confess sins to Elders"?

    Answer: "We don't confess to Elders, only to Jehovah". (From my j.w. Bible study daughter).

    Can anyone think of more before and afters? Thanks...


  • under74

    Good question....I'm going to have to think this one over and try and come up with some for you.

    Until then, bttt

  • hubert

    No takers on this?

    Wasn't there anything that you were told that had changed after you got in?

    Put on your thinking caps, friends.


  • Slick Willie
    Slick Willie

    Well I've been lurking here a really long time and haven't really posted before but....I became a witness in 1975 at the age of 16. Studied the 'Truth' book with a pioneer. I was especially impressed with the book's argument that you should examine your religous beliefs to make sure they are really the truth, etc. Made a lot of sense to me!

    However, neither JW's nor the WTS disclosed to me that once I was baptized I would no longer be able to question ANY of their beliefs without being accused of apostacy and having to face a judicial committee because I had questions.

    Don't know if this is what you're looking for or not -- certainly not a change in doctrine -- but one of the main ways the WTS misleads 'interested ones'!

    Anyone studying with JW's, BEWARE!

  • hubert

    Slick, This is EXACTLY what I am looking for!

    Maybe I didn't word my subject right, but you hit the nail on the head.

    By the way, welcome to the board !

    I never was a j.w., but my daughter and hubby are studying with them. The only others that are related to me that are in the borg., are my sister-in-law and her family.

    Hope to hear more from you soon. Maybe you can post your story sometime, and if not, just comment on others. Either way, this is a great place to be. Thanks.


  • stillajwexelder

    The Generation of 1914 - I was taught the understanding prior to the 1994 change in the Awake - I thought the generation born before 1914 would not die off - before the big A

  • Leolaia

    Slick....Those of us who were raised in the "trooth" didn't even have a chance to question and "make sure" of things as people have while studying....by the time our minds were mature enough to make such judgments, it was too late!

  • hubert

    Stilla, were you taught/told this in Bible study, before you were baptized?


  • GetBusyLiving

    Tons! The blood fragment BS.. 'generation' fiasco.. ugg, I dont even want to get into this!

  • Slick Willie
    Slick Willie

    Hubert, thanks for the welcome. One of these days I'm gonna post my story but its really not as interesting or dramatic as most I've read here. I was only a witness for about 5 years and when I left the only person in my family who was a witness was my sister. Being the person she was she never shunned me for leaving, although we had many many arguments over WT dogma.

    Leo, I can't even imagine being born and raised in that religion. Getting myself out was one of the hardest things I've ever done and I wasn't really in it that long. I guess I can thank the GB for helping me to get out because in the late '70s they were encouraging everyone to use the Bible itself more in the preaching. So I started reading and re-reading the gospels from start to finish, paying particular attention to the words of Christ. Because I had attended a church as a small child I was somewhat familiar with the typical doctrines found in the churches of "Christendom". When I started reading the gospels in their entirety (and in context) I came to the conclusion that the churches looked a lot more like the Christianity described in the Bible. Anyhow, I've enjoyed many of your posts. Who woulda thunk a scholar could emerge from the WT madness?

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