WTS's explanation of current events based on false premise!

by Schizm 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Pardon my french. That would be rubric.


  • Schizm
    It's me the Polecat raising his ugly head/tail again. What exactly are the bones of contention between you and the WTS? (Apart from the 1914 thing)?

    The other major thing is the blood issue. I think they've completely missed the boat when it comes to understanding what the Bible has to say about blood. Then there's several things of a minor nature; one, for example, is their saying that Noah was sexually molested by his own grandson while Noah was intoxicated. Another is their misidentifying of the 7th head/king. And there's a number of other points where I disagree with the WTS.


  • Schizm
    If you want to be Christian just BE CHRISTIAN.. why do you need an org??

    Christians don't keep to themselves. They congregate. In fact, that's the idea behind the word "congregation". A congregation has to be organized if it's going to accomplish its mission of making disciples. Also, Jesus said that those who would be his followers would "not forsake the gathering of themselves together".


  • Satanus

    Ya, the bastard gumby. He didn't have any kids, and his father didn't have any, iether. But, he's still your daddy


  • MungoBaobab

    Oh come on. The whole frickin' BIBLE is based on a false premise.

  • Schizm
    Ya, the bastard gumby. He didn't have any kids, and his father didn't have any, iether. But, he's still your daddy


    Screw Gumby!


  • Schizm

    Oh come on. The whole frickin' BIBLE is based on a false premise.

    And YOU came from a monkey.


  • MungoBaobab

    Hey, they don't call it your family TREE for nothing!

  • Schizm



  • stopthepain

    Schizm-Hi,I guess I can understand your point to a certain extent.I want to know why smaller groups of people that actually care about each other meet together at someones house and discuss the bible?Why can't the preaching work be done by a persons EXAMPLE?Why do thet need all that crap literature.Why would true christians need kingdom halls?In fact,this man made orginazation resembles nothing of early christians.Typical dub loaded language.They take the scripture they need to fill thier bogus doctrines with and fixate on them.

    "Do not forsake the gathering of one another"----WTBTS turned that into"you have to go to five meetings a week,3 assemblies a year,10 hours a month embarassing yourself and your family being a magazine salesman."

    If I had a garbage NWT bible or any bible for that matter I'd have alot more.

    Can you sit here and say that just a few hugely false doctrins keep you away from that manipulating cult?


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