WTS's explanation of current events based on false premise!

by Schizm 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • MungoBaobab

    No, no, no, Schizm! That's not me...

    THIS is me!!!

  • Schizm
  • Schizm
    Why can't the preaching work be done by a persons EXAMPLE?--Stp.

    preach: 1. To proclaim or put forth in a sermon: preached the gospel. 2. To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with: preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence. 3. To deliver (a sermon). --intr. 1. To deliver a sermon. 2. To give religious or moral instruction, especially in a tedious manner.

    I fail to see how one can "preach" merely by setting an "example".

    Why would true christians need kingdom halls?

    Beats sitting out in the rain, doesn't it?

    "Do not forsake the gathering of one another"----WTBTS turned that into"you have to go to five meetings a week,3 assemblies a year,10 hours a month....

    And how many meetings a week would YOU suggest there be? None? .

  • geevee

    Hi all, Schism, if 1914 is wrong, so then is every other thing that hangs of it. Everything. Also it was the Apostle Paul who penned the words about "not forget the gathering of selves together". Jesus told then they were all equal, no rank, all brothers [except the sisters...who always get called brothers] Sorry man, but al the BS hangs of 1914.

  • Gill

    Surely if you want to be a christian, you'll just follow what you're reasonably sure Christ said in the Bible. However, doesn't it all become adulterated once you start taking note of every little speech an apostle said or though. Aren't you an Apostlite then. Isn't it when you start looking at what Paul thinks of women...etc that the whole things starts to be nonsense. And then when you start on Revelation it all gets stupid because you're trying to prophecy from...some strange nonsense. Then you start getting silly things like 1914, blood doctrine etc.

    It appears to me that is where so called Christianity goes wrong. Burn the OT, get rid of most of the NT and then you're in business...if you want to call yourself a Christian, that is!

  • abbagail

    Agree 100% with the title of this thread: WTS's explanation of current events based on false premise! but not only because of the false 1914 doctrine. More important than that error (imho) is something I learned over the past several years, that WT and other mainstream Christian religions have more in common than we xJW/JW's ever realized, ie, & Replacement Theology a/k/a Covenant Theology. It blows my socks off everytime I think of it because it completely changes EVERYTHING about prophecy that the WT ever taught or imagined, and shows how truly "blind" the WT (and all my former friends still locked therein) really are (which is sad!).

    in bold those that teach Replacement Theology; and JWs are on the list along with the Catholic Church, Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Presbyterian churches, etc. Of course we already KNEW WT teaches Israel and Jerusalem prophecies mean "spiritual vs. literal."

    the biggest prophetic blunder of all time, lol. And WT had us believing NOBODY taught ANY of the same "truths" as WT. You gotta laugh or you'd cry.

    Here's the article:


    Error Exposed - Replacement Theology, Kingdom/Dominion Theology and False Teachings and Prophecies Exposed:

  • The Error Of Replacement Theology: http://www.bridgesforpeace.com/publications/teaching/Article-18.html
  • What Role Does Israel Play in the End Times?: http://www.watch.org/showart.php3?idx=3D36616&rtn=3D/index.html&showsubj=3D1&mcat=3D24
  • Israel, God's Anvil: http://www.watch.org/showart.php3?idx=3D64055&rtn=3D/index.html&showsubj=3D1&mcat=3D24
  • Influential Christian Leaders Speak Against Israel's Biblical Significance and Her Land: http://www.watch.org/showart.php3?idx=3D62726&rtn=3D/index.html&showsubj=3D1&mcat=3D24
  • The Importance of Knowing God's Covenants: http://www.watch.org/showart.php3?idx=3D47687&rtn=3D/index.html&showsubj=3D1&mcat=3D24
  • Christian Zionism and Israel - Replacement Theology Zionism:http://www.watch.org/showart.php3?idx=3D56892&rtn=3D/index.html&shows=

    Also visit the CuttingEdge website, they have tons of info about this as well: http://www.cuttingedge.org. Excellent stuff. Besides finding that site, the best thing I ever did for myself was start watching "Christian TV" -- a big No No in WT-World.

    Just my 2-cents.

  • abbagail

    Ugh, I goofed on that double/triple spacing!

    BTW, those hairy gorillas are a hoot and a riot! LOL! :-D

  • abbagail

    Oh, what the hay, here's that list of the Top 25 Churches and which of those teach "Replacement Theology"... I get a kick out of seeing the JWs on there with all the others, lol...


    Approximately 100 Million American

    Church Members Have Very Little to

    No Understanding of Bible Prophecy

    by Bill Koenig

    Note from Bill: Today there are approximately 100 million American church members who have very little to no understanding of Bible prophecy. These church members are from replacement theology churches that don't teach Bible prophecy and who look at prophetic scriptures as allegorical and not literal. Consequently, they do not understand the importance of Israel to the God of Israel or God=B9s redemptive plan for Israel and the nations. (...Read "The Error of Replacement Theology" - By Clarence H. Wagner Jr....)

    also have no understanding of the biblical significance of what is transpiring today in Israel, Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and in other Middle East nations. They are also not aware of the significance of the formation of the European Union, new ID technologies and much more.

    I have shared the biblical significance of our times with some of these people and almost all of them can=B9t process the information mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And due to fear they do not want to hear more. They also have no point of reference in which to start if they had interest.

    We will continue to post articles under Update and Commentary and under the Error Exposed category under Page Two News to inform you of the official church positions, their recent statements calling on Israel to leave her land, and writings and statements that speak against pro-Israel Christians.

    The churches that are highlighted in bold are confirmed replacement theology churches. We are still attempting to confirm a few of the smaller church positions.

    U.S. Membership Denominational Ranking: Largest 25 Denominations/Communions --2004 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches

    2. Southern Baptist Convention =AD 16, 427, 736

    3. The United Methodist Church - 8,251,0424. The Church of God in Christ - 5,499,875

    5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 5,410,544

    6. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - 5,038,006
    7. National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. - 5,000,000

    8. National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. - 3,500,000

    9. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - 3,407,32910. Assemblies of God - 2,687,366

    11. The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - 2,512,714

    12. African Methodist Episcopal Church - 2,500,000
    13. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America - 2,500,000

    14. Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. - 2,500,000

    15. The Episcopal Church - 2,333,628

    16. Churches of Christ, Corsicana, Texas - 1,500,000

    17. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - 1,500,000
    18. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. - 1,500,000

    19. American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. - 1,484,291

    20. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church - 1,430,795

    21. United Church of Christ - 1,330,985
    22. Baptist Bible Fellowship International - 1,200,000

    23. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, Joplin, Mo. - 1,071,616

    24. Jehovah's Witnesses - 1,022,397
    25. Church of God, Cleveland, Tenn., - 944,857



  • Schizm
    Hi all, Schism, if 1914 is wrong, so then is every other thing that hangs of it. Everything.--geevee.

    That's a common misconception. What you say isn't entirely true. Simply because the 1914 doctrine has proved to be nothing but an illusion doesn't disqualify them, or make them unfit, for being the faithful slave mentioned in Matthew 24.


  • MungoBaobab

    Sorry, Schizm, but a simple genetic analysis proves that

    = alt, and

    = alt, but


    The DNA doesn't lie.

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