Various elders get 'time' for doing building work on Kingdom Halls. I think they once had a dentist at Bethel who
got hours for drilling teeth to tack onto his pioneer hours.
by DaCheech 38 Replies latest jw friends
Various elders get 'time' for doing building work on Kingdom Halls. I think they once had a dentist at Bethel who
got hours for drilling teeth to tack onto his pioneer hours.
Maybe bethelites count time for monitoring this forum...
Maybe bethelites count time for monitoring this forum...
Let me add one more case: this "hour currency" is also applied to pioneers who work on quick builds.
AlanF said:
So, over the years, the JWs have turned what was once a sincerely motivated activity into a mere sacramental ritual.
There are actually a few JWs who enjoy field service. But the hours requirement has, after some months or years, a very desensitizing effect on publishers and pioneers. Even those who truly love the work are pushed into having a legalistic view of field service, and they end up viewing it as a burden. It becames a perfunctory activity to appease their consciences.
My reaction to the title was that WTS rules are like a tax code! Looks like there is a new deduction/credit available to pioneers!
Euphemism said:
this just goes to show that the whole business of counting time is ridiculous; why don't the Witnesses receive 'credit' for time they spend visiting the sick or elderly, cleaning the Kingdom Hall, etc?
Exactly. They allege that it is not "sacred service". But then they create this breach where you can count time for learning a language and the contradiction deepens. They fail to grasp what love is all about.
An elder once tried to explain why we it is necessary for JWs to count time. He said that Jehovah's knows our weaknesses as humans and if we didn't have to count time many JWs would not go out in field service much. (He said personally that is how it would be with himself) AND since it is a requirement for JWs to go out in service this arrangement has been made by Jehovah to motivate us to accomplish his work....
Your story is interesting because what the elder said isn't an official WT teaching; they never had the guts to biblically justify the hour requirement. Even some local elders are better apologists that the WT.
Bebu, I just read your post.
My reaction to the title was that WTS rules are like a tax code! Looks like there is a new deduction/credit available to pioneers!
Bingo! I'm reminded of the quote mentioned by xjw_b12:
Luke 11:46 (New Living Translation)
46 "Yes," said Jesus, "how terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you crush people beneath impossible religious demands, and you never lift a finger to help ease the burden.
My Special Language has 4 letter words.
I wonder if they took Pig Latin?
My Special Language has 4 letter words.
I wonder if they took Pig Latin?
On the Active Topics screen the first line of this thread reads
Pioneerers can count up to 25
My first thought was good, they can get past their fingers AND toes!
And that's all I have to say on that.