One of my friends counts guard time in stanley as pioneer hours, and he sleeps most of the time
Pioneerers can count up to 25 hours for taking special language
by DaCheech 38 Replies latest jw friends
Winston Smith :>D
I knew a pioneer who would go to Bethel in the summertime to pick their f*cking vegetables
AKA cucumbers
It's just an incentive to get the Witnesses to learn languages like Vietnamese. It's a sign of desperation, because english speaking interest is probably drying up before their eyes. Could the abundance of information about JWs on the internet have anything to do with that? There's already enough people speaking spanish, which is still a rich source of increase for them. To put the english speaking Witnesses to good use, they try to go after a new group of mostly poor and uneducated victims, but I think they won't get very far with this because probably most Asians don't have a Christian background, and that's an important part of how people get trapped in this cult.
Good luck to them, yeah I can see Brother and Sister Idiot speaking Vietnamese in no time...
Country Girl
I was wondering why my relative was going to school for a class in Mandarin Chinese... hmmmm. Now I get it!
It is only a very short step from here to selling hours. Imagine, as the society becomes more cash strapped, they allow the drones to simply buy "hours" of service. Perhaps, the society could even sell an "hour-wheel", or maybe a little necklace where each bead represents one hour.
Since the hours are worthless anyway, the society might as well trade them for cash.
Hey! great idea, runningman. maybe we could all just sponsor a pioneer.
Most hours are fabricated, and un-proovable.... so why buy them when you can just make it up for status!
Lawrence, you might give some thought to making a fire-holder for yourself. The use of these lends more signifance to a challenge. And while you are at it why not make a number for others to use? This should buy around 25 hours of time for each person.. Guaranteed to get a result.
i wonder if this is a tacit admission that the only viable market for their product is the "developing" world.
Actually this is common opinion among English speaking congregations in the US. Many Eng. pioneers are moving to Spanish, Russian, etc halls because they are so bored in their territories.
Pioneers count the time at "Pioneer School" a two week 80-hour course. About six hours of that period is actually spent in field service.
Pioneers can count up to 70 hours per month (the minimum average to reach the yearly quota) while participating in construction projects. This includes driving time to and from the construction site. Non-pioneers may be able to count service time if they are invited because of special skills. These are usually elders who manage crews, not the R&F who volunteer.
I know many pioneers/elders who love an excuse not to door-knock and jump at a chance for a construction project. Of course this is not expressly said, but actions speak.